Unexpected Revelations

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Celia had been looking forward to the weekend all week, eager to surprise Arman with a spontaneous visit to his apartment. She had spent the morning preparing his favorite dish, a creamy pasta that she knew he loved, and packed a bottle of wine to make the evening special. As she headed out, a sense of excitement bubbled within her—this was going to be a perfect night.

Arriving at Arman's apartment complex, she felt a rush of anticipation. She climbed the stairs to his floor, her heart racing with the thought of surprising him. However, as she reached the landing, she stopped dead in her tracks.

There, just outside his apartment, stood Arman, talking to a woman. They were laughing, their body language easy and familiar. Celia's heart sank as she tried to make sense of the scene before her.

She squinted to get a better look, and as she stepped closer, recognition hit her like a cold wave. It was Lila, Arman's ex-girlfriend. Celia felt her stomach twist in knots as she watched them interact, the carefree laughter echoing in her ears.

Trying to keep her composure, Celia took a step back, her excitement draining away. She wanted to turn and leave, to give them space, but she felt rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away. Arman looked genuinely happy, a look she had been longing to see on his face but now felt inexplicably distant.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Lila reached out, lightly touching Arman's arm as she spoke. Celia's heart raced, and she felt a surge of jealousy and insecurity bubbling up inside her. Just when she thought they were finally solid, this encounter threatened to shatter everything.

Taking a deep breath, Celia turned to leave, but the sound of Arman's voice calling her name stopped her in her tracks. "Celia! Wait!" He spotted her standing there, his expression shifting from surprise to concern.

Celia forced a smile as she walked toward him, trying to mask the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. "Hey, I—"

"Celia, this is Lila," Arman said, his voice steady but wary, as he introduced them. "We were just catching up. I didn't expect to see her here."

Lila's smile was warm and welcoming, but to Celia, it felt insincere. "Hi, Celia! It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you," she said, her tone cheerful.

Celia nodded, her heart pounding as she tried to remain composed. "Nice to meet you too."

Arman glanced between them, sensing the tension. "Celia was just stopping by for dinner. I had no idea Lila would be here."

"Yeah, I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi," Lila explained, her eyes bright with friendliness. "I didn't mean to intrude."

Celia forced a polite smile. "No worries. I should have called first," she said, her voice tinged with an edge she couldn't quite hide.

As Arman stood there, caught between the two women, Celia felt a wave of uncertainty wash over her. "Maybe I should just come back another time," she said, her heart sinking.

"No, don't do that," Arman said quickly, reaching for her hand. "I want you to stay. We can all just hang out for a bit. Right, Lila?"

Lila's smile faltered slightly, but she nodded. "Of course! I'd love to catch up with both of you."

Celia's stomach churned as she considered the situation. "I... I really just wanted to surprise you, Arman. I made dinner," she said softly, trying to keep the disappointment from her voice.

"Let's eat together. It'll be fun," Arman insisted, looking genuinely eager to keep the peace.

Celia took a deep breath, weighing her options. As much as she wanted to retreat, something inside her urged her to stand her ground. "Okay, but just for a little while," she said, her heart racing.

As they all moved into the apartment, Celia tried to maintain her composure, but the unease gnawed at her. She busied herself in the kitchen, setting the table and plating the pasta, while Arman and Lila made small talk.

In the back of her mind, Celia struggled to quell the insecurities brewing within her. She could feel the undercurrents of the past threatening to pull her under, and she silently vowed to confront Arman about it later.

That evening, as they shared a meal filled with laughter and stories, Celia couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected visit would change everything. She was determined to stay strong and remind herself of what she and Arman had built together, even as the shadows of his past lingered in the room.

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