Part 1

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*Heavy's diary*

" March 4.

This evening I heard mom and dad fight. I've never heard them yell at each other before... I am sitting here in my room, confused and unsure what's even going on. Mom is mad. Not even that mad as upset, to be honest. Almost shocked. I am too. I could not ever expect that. Anything, but that. They seemed like such a nice couple, such a great family, such a perfect match. But all these years dad was... He was cheating on her. With Ches. I just... I've never expected anything like that... "

*Dee's diary*

" September 19.Within the first weeks of school I've already got in trouble... They want my mom to talk to my home room teacher. I feel really bad for making her deal with even more stuff, since she's still feeling down after the divorce... But I don't want to ask my dad either. "

Dee closes the note book with a sigh. He gets up from his bed and makes his way downstairs, where Victoria was watching TV. 

 -"Mom?" He calls, standing in the doorway.

Victoria looks away from some show she was watching and gazes at Dee. 

-"Hm? What is it? Make it quick." She says as she takes a sip of her beer. 

-"My teacher wants to see you tonight." 

She growls as she stands up and leaves the room, mumbling swears.

-"Блять, да что им там от меня нужно опять, а?!.."

*Time skip*

Y/n was at her desk in a classroom, marking homework and sipping tea, waiting for one of her student's parents to arrive. She was just finishing with Diana's paper when the door was slammed open. Y/n looked up at a buff lady with a lather jacket, a couple of tattoos and red braided hair who was making her way to a chair in front of the teacher's desks, clearly annoyed. Y/n's cheeks flushed slightly and she couldn't help but think to her self "wow, she's hot...". But she tried pushing the thought away and focus on the task ahead of her.

As Victoria sat in a chair she was slightly surprised- she was expecting some old annoying teacher, but Dee's homeroom looked really young and... pretty. She tried maintaining her aggressive demeanor as she crossed her arms oh her chest, but the lady didn't seem mad or about to start complaining.

-"Good evening, I my name is y/n." Started talking the teacher. "I would like to talk to you about Dee's behavior." She sighed. "His music teacher came up to me today, telling about your son being rude and disrespectful. I personally don't know what happened, but it's my job to have a talk with the parents as his homeroom and at least inform you." She took a sip of her tea, her expression calm, but with a hint of sadness in her gaze, even tiredness, but mostly sympathy and some sort of warmth that Victoria was not expecting. "I would like you to have a chat with Dee about it, but I guess that's everything I can do about the situation."

Victoria was sitting in her chair, unsure what to say. She was used to furious teachers yelling about how awful her children are and she knew what to do in those cases. But right now she was feeling a little lost.

"Uhhh, okay I'll, uhm... Talk to Dee later." Victoria's gaze was lingering on y/n's face for a moment, taking in the soft features and the peacefulness of warm grey eyes behind round glasses pitching on the tip of her nose.

Y/n noticed that and it made her cheeks slightly flush as she looked down at the papers in front of her. Victoria quickly looked away, her own cheeks turning pink. 

-"I uh, didn't mean to stare," She let out an awkward chuckle "Sorry."

-"Ah it's a right, don't worry about it." Answered y/n offering a soft smile, trying to hide her nervousness.

Just then Victoria notices that y/n is wearing an old Slipknot shirt. 

-"Hey, I've heard that there's gonna be a Slipknot concert soon," Starts Victoria as she looks up at y/n and their eyes meet. "I have an extra ticket, wanna join me?" She offers with a hint of hope in her voice. 

"Yes, I would love to!" Answers y/n offering a warm smile, trying to hide her excitement. 

"Well, uhm, see you there then." Says Victoria as she gets up from her seat with a smile, her cheeks betraying a bit of blush and leaves the room.

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