Lost Music

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Have you ever wondered what music is? What it means to lives other than yours? I got my answer to that question when I ran to the park one day, thinking I had the worst life... Boy, was I wrong. I Remember that day like it was yesterday. My parents had been fighting a lot then, though I was sure that it was only temporary. That was the day I got told my parents were getting a divorce. Of course they eased into it, but it still shocked me. It shocked me enough to get up from my seat (which they had told me to sit on) and run out the door, to the park... 


Wrenching open the door I feel the fresh spring air blow in my tear-stained face. Not taking my time to savour it, I slam the front door with a lot more force than necessary, though in this case, I think it is. Jogging down the steps of my house I continue my way down my plentiful driveway. Taking in a deep breath I inhale the sweet scent of lavender and feel myself calm down. Feeling a little better I quickly wiped my eyes and proceeded walking to the park.

Finding the park deserted I settled on the slide, and started to think weather it might be my fault that my parents are getting a divorce. Feeling the wind pick-up and blowing my hair in my face, shaking my head something light blue came into my vision, paying closer attention to it I notice that it's lodged in-between a tree trunk. Sliding off the slide with a mission I walk toward the tree, squinting my eyes slightly to try and figure out what the object is. Once I was under the tree I realise that is was an iPod case from Smiggle; I had seen them before with the intent to buy it. Un-lodging the case from the tree I unzip the case to reveal an iPod, it looks pretty old as I observe it and had a slightly cracked screen but other than that was unscratched; it was obvious that the owner had taken special care of it.

Curious I press the tiny button on the top, watch as the screen came to life with the 'slide to unlock' sign. Closing my eyes I silently beg for no password, sliding my thumb over the screen to hear a little 'click', breathing out I open my eyes and saw the background of the screen, a simple one of a music note.

'I wonder if the iPod belonged to anyone I know.' I think. Looking through it, pondering about where I hold all my personal information. I tap to the notes, seeing only one entry: 'Lost Music', finding it interesting I go in it, feeling a little nosy I began to read: 

 Dear reader,

I am aware that I have left my iPod in this selected place. The reason will remain unknown to you until the end; it is up to you to continue reading. Before I continue, I will ask you a question: what is music to you? Be warned that this is the true story of my life, so it won't run smoothly as you can guess. But this is a story you can remember when you're feeling down, like your life is the worst. My name is Susan Greenhill, and this is my story...

It started the month my beloved mother died of breast cancer. My stepfather went mad with loss, he started drinking, coming home late at night drenched in the scent of alcohol. Of course I was only ten when this happened and couldn't do anything about it, sometimes I asked him to stop, but he would get this crazy look in his eyes showing how mad he truly was so I left it; figuring that this was just a stage in life and he would eventually stop after a week.

Sadly, I was wrong; extremely, utterly and irrevocably wrong. The weeks turned to months, that was when he started beating me, for no reason, he kept on saying I was worthless, that it was my fault she died, when truly it wasn't. I knew that; it wasn't my fault, but when someone repeats it over and over again over the years, your mind believes it.

After each and every beating I would come to this tree and cry my eyes out, always wondering how my life turned into this. I would go to school with my bruises masterfully covered up with makeup and long, non-revealing clothes and act like everything was ok but with my step-dad treating me like this, I myself gained uncontrolled anger. So I used to start fights, blamed the bruises on the fights when really I would get out without a scratch, the other kids not so lucky.

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