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The few days between the day Grayson dropped me off and Friday seemed to pass by slowly and with lack of events. With no place else to stay, I went home to find my mom had packed a few things and left.

As much as I was upset with her, I was praying she'd come back soon. It was so strange; no matter what she did to me or how much she neglected me, I always just want her to be with me, or at least know she'll return home. I've never hoped for her to be harmed or for her to leave. And knowing I wasn't sure if she was coming back terrified me too.

Despite that, everything was normal. Too normal to be honest. Even though I thought we had bonded, Grayson didn't speak a word to me in advisory class, and I couldn't think of a reason to talk to him. Maybe he doesn't want to be friends, maybe he just wants me to model for him and then never speak to me again? The thought of possibly being used like that made my chest sink. I mean, yeah I told him I'd do this as a thanks to him, but I assumed we'd at least act like friends after and during.

I shook the thought of him out of my mind as I heard the releasal bell ring, signaling the end of the school day. I decided I'd check in with my usual group of friends before I went off to the art room to meet with Grayson.

I left towards the front of the school, seeing Desiree and the others waiting in the entrance. "Hey guys, sorry I can't walk home with you all today! I, er, have tutoring!" I made up an excuse, not sure how to explain the Grayson dilemma just yet.

"Why do you need tutoring? You're like on top of your game for all your classes" Joey questioned. Stupid Joey and his quick thinking.

"Well I got a B on an english paper, and I wanted to talk to Mrs. Brighton on how to change that" I thought up in a flash.

"I'll walk you to her room" Dean said, smiling.

"Oh, well you don't hav-"

"Come on, it's not like I do a lot of walking anyways" he said, and I couldn't argue in fear of seeming suspicious. Dean and I entered the school again, Dean casually whistling down the halls. Luckily I thought of a great excuse, because the art hall was right before the English hall.

"Y'know, you haven't been spending as much time with us lately, 'Zale" he said as I stopped near the art room.

"Yeah I know, it's just I've had to pick up shifts at work lately to save up some money" I said, that not being entirely a lie.

"Well all work and no play make little mermaids sad, so you really should make some time to hang," Dean snickered, and I rolled my eyes at his Disney reference. "How about we go and check out that new shopping area this weekend? I'll buy you a cinnamon roll!"

I laughed, nodding. "Sure, if the others want to I'm fine with that". Dean grinned, and then patted my shoulder.

"Great! I gotta go meet up with them before they start a riot, so I'll see you then!" He told me, looking back awkwardly at something behind me before running off down the halls. Curiously, I turned around and saw Grayson standing in the doorway of the art room.

"Oh hey! I'm sorry, I had to go tell my friends I wouldn't be able to walk home today" I explained, smiling at him. He didn't return the smile.

"Who was the dorky guy with you right now?" He asked, looking down at the brushes he held in his hands.

"Dean? He's not dorky, just a little goofy. He's one of my friends" I said, confused as to why he'd care.

"Hm, well let's get started then" Grayson said, leading me into the art room. Ignoring the weird vibes I felt from him at the moment, I looked around the art room I had only been in the first time I talked to Grayson. There was a whole table full of assorted paint colors, with multiple types of paint too. The walls displayed what I supposed were students works. Some were extremely impressive, and I noticed a familiar name on a beautiful one of a little girl.

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