The End Of Hurting

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I walked back upstairs so MacKenzie could read me her story. She did and it was great!! It's about how she concurred her fear of being a victum of bulling. It was great I was proud of her. It felt like she was my little sister already I stood up for her twice. She was brave through both times. "So do you want to talk about your story and real life? They relate really well do you think?" I asked. "Ummmmmm well yeah I think they do too." She told me." What's wrong?" I asked her. She said "well I heard you down stairs" and I asked "what about it?" She said "you right I have gone through it alot." " don't listen to that advice it wasn't for you okay?" She said back "you promise" I said in a sweet voice "I promise" now I want you to go down there and say "please say sorry" and ask if they will be your friends and you don't have to be shy anymore!! "Ok I'll do it " MacKenzie explained. She goes downstairs and askes if they will be friends and they said yes and they also said sorry. I said "Thats it MacKenzie your done hurting!!" It's all over

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