Chapter 4: Ideas of Hades

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The infernal chamber was quiet now, the heat of the previous night still lingering in the air like a ghost of passion. Eve lay tangled in the black silk sheets, her body marked by the possessive touch of Lilith. Faint bruises in the shape of fingers lined her wrists, a testament to Lilith's unrelenting dominance. Her neck and shoulders bore marks as well—small bites, vivid bruises, each a claim that Lilith had staked on her.

Lilith, reclining next to her, ran her fingers idly through Eve's hair, her eyes dark and watchful. The possessiveness radiating from her was palpable, a silent reminder of the claim she had made. There was no escaping it—Eve belonged to her now, and Lilith had made sure to leave her mark both physically and emotionally.

Lucifer stood by the open archway, looking out over the fiery expanse of Hell with his usual easy grace. His wings shifted lazily behind him as he gazed into the distance, a faint smile playing on his lips. But his mind was elsewhere—on the plan, on the future they were about to shape. Eve's proposition was audacious, and even Lucifer, with all his charm and wit, knew that they were about to walk a fine line between cosmic rebellion and outright war.

"We need to start," Lucifer said, his voice breaking the quiet in the room. He turned back to look at Lilith and Eve, his golden eyes gleaming with purpose. "If we're going to reshape Hell, we need to move now. Charlie's ambition can be useful to us, and Alastor..." He paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, he's an interesting one, isn't he? His power could turn the tide in ways no one expects."

Lilith's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Charlie and Alastor. She wasn't one for relying on anyone but herself, and the idea of involving others in Eve's plan didn't sit well with her. Still, she remained silent, her fingers tightening possessively in Eve's hair, tilting the woman's head so she had to look up at her.

Eve stirred beneath Lilith's touch, her body still aching from the intensity of the night before, but her mind was sharp, focused on what lay ahead. The younger woman used doe eyes on the first woman. It didn't fool either of them. Eve was as innocent as Lilith was heavenly. She played complacent and good, but they would fight for control forever. Perhaps God had created them that way.

Last night was Lilith's.

Tomorrow might be Eve's.

Or perhaps...Lucifer's.

"What makes you think Charlie will agree to help us?" Eve asked, her voice hoarse but steady. She could feel Lilith's presence beside her like a weight, grounding her, but there was still uncertainty in her voice. "She's Hell's princess. She's still attached to the idea of redemption for all souls. I'm not sure she'll be willing to work with us on this."

Lucifer chuckled softly, pushing away from the archway and strolling toward the bed, his wings rustling behind him. "Oh, she'll help," he said confidently, his eyes gleaming. "Charlie's got goals, even if she doesn't fully realize everything yet. She's wants something better even if she wants to do it her way. If we approach it right, she'll see our way is better than redemption."

Eve frowned, considering his words. Charlie was known for her hopeful ideals, her almost naïve belief in redemption. But what they were proposing was far more complex, far more dangerous than anything Charlie had likely imagined.

"And Alastor?" Eve pressed. "He's... unpredictable."

Lucifer grinned, his eyes flashing with amusement. "Exactly why we need him. Alastor is the wild card. He thrives on chaos, and if there's one thing this plan will cause, it's chaos. He won't be able to resist."

Lilith, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke, her voice low and possessive. "I don't trust either of them," she said, her gaze flicking between Lucifer and Eve. Her fingers trailed down Eve's arm, leaving a faint trail of heat in their wake.

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