Chapter 1

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Ella Riserson sat on the wooden dock by the lake. The sun's reflection shone from the sky as it started to disappear over the horizon. Ella dipped her toes in the water. She liked being alone with nature. It was her thing. Her hobbie.
Nobody but Hagrid knew about her secret. About her little magical world.
Or who one of her family members were...


Ella walked to herboligy with Hermione and zoned out about hermione babbling on about charms homework.
"Are you even listening to me Ella?" Hermione glares and rolls her eyes.

"Yeh..yeh..." Ella nods.
"Liar," hermione rolled her eyes again and continues walking. Ella held open the glass door for hermione and almost hit Malfoy in the face as she let the door go.

"Hey!" Malfoy screeched as he opened the door again looking red with anger "how dare you! You stupid hufflepuff!"

"Shut it Malfoy! Nobody likes you!" Ella shouted casually from halfway across the Greenhouse. Malfoys face crinkled with embarrassment and utter rage. Hermione sat next to Ella and pulled out her text books and quill. Proffersor Sprout explained the work.

"Today..we will be learning about devils snare!" She boomed."anyone but miss Granger, could you tell me what devils snare is?"
Hermione sulked and Malfoy smirks.

For the rest of the lesson, hermione was turned down for answers and outside became darker. Malfoy stole glances at Ella and Ella copied her answers from hermione which she seemed delighted about for some apparent reason. Soon enough, outside was nearly dark and the bell went, signalling the end of the day. It was now the weekend and Ella would escape for the weekend to her little haven...

"Riserson!" Malfoy shouted across the courtyard as everyone headed up for dinner. Ella didnt bother looking at him and ignored him completely. Malfoy got extremely irritated and quickened his pace.
"Riserson! Don't you walk away from me! Do you know who I am!?" Malfoy spat.

Ella finnaly turned around."an asshole is what you are!"
Her light brown hair with ginger flecks followed her head movements gracefully. Ella glared at malfoy and rolled her eyes.
"What do you want?!" Ella said impatiently and folded her arms.

Malfoy stood dominantly infront of her. He smirked at her and his eyes burned into hers. Ella showed no signs of weakness and didnt really care.
"Well?" Ella tapped her foot and bit her lip impatiently and wanted to get to the great hall for dinner.

"You need to apologise for earlier," malfoy sneered and towered over her.

"1, I don't need to do anything and 2, personal space!" Ella shoved him away and started to walk off. Malfoy lost balance and landed against the wall. Hermione caught up with her and dragged her along.
Malfoy clenched his fists but then walked towards Slytherin common room instead of the great hall for dinner.

"Bitch," Malfoy muttered and stormed off. He found her temper and attitude attractive but didn't want to admit it.
Ella was a bitch to him. A stupid hufflepuff blood-traitor. A skinny little brat. But he found himself drawn to her for some reason. A reason he couldn't place a finger on.

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