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So I spend my way back to the camp with no cure...

What have I done?! Jane is dying and Samantha is angry at me. My best friend is trying to kill me. My mom is crazy.

I have nothing left.

I saw Blue when I was near the camp. She was running to me with a hug as I lift her up.
"God, we have missed you so much" she said.
"I have missed you two"
"Jane?" I ask.
I lift down her and look her in the eyes.

"The same" she said. "Do you have the cure?"
I can't let her die, I must.
"Yes" I answer.


I walked into the cave with Jane lying in Izzy's lap.
"Hey, kid" she said ironic.
"Hello to you too" I say and smile.
She gave me Jane to my arms as I sit down.

Janes face is pale, her lips are blue and her eyes are closed. She looks dead, and I can't deal with it.

"Jane" I say with a tear running down my eye.
"Give her the cure, boy" Alcide said.

He know what would happen or what? But with them by my side, looking at me. I can't fail them and not help her.

"I have it" I say.
I bite my wrist hard. It hurts, a lot first but then it dosen't.
Blood roll down my wrist when I let the blood roll into Jane's mouth.

It was just some drops and than her eyes shut open; all black. Her skin turn into blue-pale, her back get a pair of big wings and her nails turn into claws.

"What is happening?!" Blue screams.
Jane hit me in the face and get her fangs out. Than she flies out of the cave by hitting the others with her big wings.
"MARCUS!" she screams with a dark voice.

"What have you done?!" Izzy said.
"That was the cure" I say.

Oh my god! What have I done?! She'll wake up Marcus and kill everybody! Oh my god!

Now this is war...

The Midnight CurseWhere stories live. Discover now