The attemps of death

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Dakota's life has been getting worse and worse. She kept getting made fun of and people laughed at her when she walked by.

Dakota has been cutting for a while.

But after the blonde started spreading roomers about her being a transgender she started cutting deeper and harder.

Dakota locked her self in the bathroom after she had cut hard and deep. She wouldn't stop bleeding. She put cloths on her to try and stop it bit nothing worked.

She soon woke up in the hospital with her mon sitting by her bed crying. Dakota could barley talk her mother held her hand and she asked why she didn't respond.

A few weeks had passed. And the rumors about Dakota were still going around. People were now saying

"The fucking trans tried to kill her self". And "she touches her self". But she doesn't

Dakota doesn't cut anymore she takes pills now for depression. Of course she is now addicted she takes them more then she should.

One night Olivia came over. Olivia watched her constantly take pills she didn't do anything she just watched and waited for her to pass out.

Then she woke up in a closed room nothing in it. Just wall paddings.

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