Secrets Beneath the Surface

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As they enter their dorm room, Olivia immediately makes her way toward her bedroom, feeling the weight of the day settle in her bones. She pulls open her drawer and takes out her favorite pair of pajamas—fluffy, pastel pink Hello Kitty ones. She slips them on, the soft fabric comforting her tired body. Just as she’s about to crawl into bed, she hears a soft knock at the door.

Ariadne pokes her head in, grinning. "Hey, that’s adorable on you!"

Olivia freezes, her face flushing bright red. "Oh, um, t-thanks," she stammers, trying to hide how self-conscious she feels. She quickly pulls the blankets over herself, only her head peeking out from under the covers.

Ariadne steps into the room, her expression mischievous as she walks over and sits on the edge of Olivia’s bed. She reaches down, tucking the blanket under Olivia’s chin, her voice soft as she says, "You’re cute when you blush, you know that?"

Olivia squirms, looking anywhere but at Ariadne’s face. "I, uh, th-thanks…"

Ariadne leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I know you were watching me this morning. Through the door crack."

Olivia’s eyes widen, her face turning even redder. "W-what? I-I d-don’t know what you’re t-talking about," she stammers, trying to hide her face under the blankets.

Ariadne gently pulls the blanket down, revealing Olivia’s flushed cheeks again. "It’s okay, Liv," she whispers, her lips dangerously close to Olivia’s ear. "You like me, don’t you?"

Olivia’s heart races, and she tries to stammer a response. "I-I, um, y-yes, b-but I-I kn-knew you, y-you l-liked me too… s-since y-you k-kissed me l-last night…"

Ariadne’s grin widens. "Oh, did I now?" she teases, her tone light and playful.

Olivia nods, barely able to get the words out. "Y-yeah, you d-did."

Ariadne’s eyes soften, and she leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to Olivia’s lips. "I’ll always kiss you before bed," she murmurs against Olivia’s lips. "You’ve got good lips, baby."

Olivia feels her entire body flush with heat, and she tries to hide under the blankets again, but Ariadne doesn’t let her. Instead, she cups Olivia’s face in her hands, her voice gentle. "I do like you, Liv."

Olivia’s eyes meet Ariadne’s, wide and vulnerable. "I-I like you too…" she whispers, her voice barely audible. She leans forward, closing the distance between them for a kiss—this time, more passionate, more intense. It’s the most romantic kiss Olivia has ever experienced, and she melts into it, feeling Ariadne’s lips move softly against hers, French-style.

Ariadne pulls back slightly, brushing a strand of hair away from Olivia’s face. "Goodnight, baby," she whispers.

Olivia smiles, her heart fluttering. "Goodnight, Ari."

As Olivia drifts off to sleep, her thoughts are filled with Ariadne. But sometime in the middle of the night, Ariadne silently slips out of bed, careful not to wake her sleeping girlfriend. She dresses quickly, pulling on a set of black lingerie, followed by a white doctor’s jacket. She grabs a mask of Bigfoot from her closet, sliding it over her face.

She moves with precision, leaving the dorm unnoticed. Her destination is clear in her mind: the apartment of a girl named Julie.

By the time Ariadne returns to the dorm, it’s almost dawn. She slips back into bed next to Olivia, wiping her hands clean of any lingering evidence before closing her eyes, feigning sleep

The smell of blueberry pancakes in the kitchen lifts her spirits, and she sneaks up behind Ariadne, wrapping her arms around her waist, feeling warmth and security.

"It's too early to turn me on, baby," Ariadne teases with a grin.

Olivia blushes but laughs softly. "I can't help it, Ari. You're amazing at everything—cooking, kissing, even being a girlfriend."

Ariadne smiles, but behind her eyes, a shadow lingers. "I'm glad you're happy, Olivia."

They sit down at the table, sharing pancakes and stories about their childhoods. Ariadne reveals little bits of her past, never too much, always keeping certain memories locked away. Olivia senses it but doesn’t pry. She wants to enjoy this moment, their newfound connection.

"Ari, were you always into girls?" Olivia asks nervously, twirling her fork in the syrup.

Ariadne shrugs. "I’ve always liked people for who they are, not their gender. I’m pansexual. For me, it’s about the connection." She reaches across the table, taking Olivia’s hand. "What about you? You said you're a lesbian."

Olivia nods slowly, looking down. "Yeah, but I’ve never really told anyone except my best friend, Coley. He’s always known. He’s been my rock since I was two. We met at daycare, and even though he’s in Tennessee now, playing basketball at UT, we still talk every day."

Ariadne listens intently, her expression softening. "He sounds like a great friend."

"He is," Olivia says with a faint smile. "I wish I could be as confident as him. He’s always known who he is, and I’ve always been...afraid to be myself."

"You don’t have to be afraid with me," Ariadne says quietly, squeezing her hand.

Olivia smiles shyly. "Thanks, Ari. That means a lot."

They spend the rest of the morning cuddling on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, watching movies. Olivia feels safe and secure in Ariadne's arms, her anxiety fading away in the warmth of their connection. But as the day goes on, Olivia can't shake the feeling that something is lurking beneath the surface. The news of the nearby murder sends a shiver down her spine, and she catches a glimpse of something in Ariadne's eyes when they mention the killing.

"Poor girl," Olivia says, her voice soft.

Ariadne's response is unsettling. "You know, not everyone is innocent. Sometimes people get what’s coming to them."

Olivia looks at her, startled. "What do you mean?"

Ariadne shrugs. "Just saying...everyone has secrets."

The words linger in the air as they continue watching the movie. Olivia tries to brush off the strange comment, but it stays with her throughout the day.

At dinner that night, Ariadne is charming and affectionate, but Olivia's mind keeps going back to the night before. She doesn't mention what she thinks she saw—Ariadne sneaking out dressed in strange clothes. Part of her doesn't want to believe it, but the doubts are starting to creep in. When they finish their meal, they hold hands as they walk back to the dorm, the cool evening air making Olivia feel more relaxed.

"I’ve never felt so safe," Olivia admits, leaning against Ariadne as they walk.

"I’m glad," Ariadne replies with a smile, though something flickers in her eyes. "You’ll always be safe with me."

As they enter the dorm building, they run into Rubi, who waves cheerfully. "Hey Olivia! How’s it going? Who’s this?"

Olivia stammers a bit, still not used to the idea of being open about her relationship. "Th-this is my g-girlfriend, Ariadne."

Rubi smiles. "Nice to meet you, Ariadne. I’m Rubi, with an 'I' not a 'Y.'"

Ariadne nods politely, but there's a subtle tension in her posture. "Nice to meet you. We were just heading to bed, though. It’s been a long day."

"Of course," Rubi says with a grin. "Catch you later, Olivia."

As they head up to the dorm room, Olivia feels a sense of unease. The way Ariadne had responded to Rubi seemed off, almost possessive. But she pushes the thought away, convincing herself it’s nothing. They fall into bed together, Ariadne pulling Olivia close, whispering goodnight in her ear.

Olivia falls asleep quickly, but Ariadne stays awake for a while, staring at the ceiling. Her mind is racing with thoughts of what she did the night before. She wonders how much longer she can keep this secret from Olivia.

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