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This is my first story on here! Please give me your imput..

I turned to my right then to my left. I i turned to my right once more but gave up trying to find somewhere compfortable to sleep, I sighed and fell back on my back. I then looked to left at my alarm clock it read 11:35. Well there goes any sleep before midnight, I sighed again and got up.

I  went under my bed for my sheets that were knotted to make a long rope, I grabbed it and wiggled out from under my bed. I walked to my bed post and tied a tight know on it and walked to my window. I threw the sheet rope out the window, threw my flip flops out the window and slipped out the window hanging onto the sheet rope. I slowly made my way to the ground, careful not to fall. When I looked down I saw i had about 1 or 2 feet left to go before I touched the grass. I let go of the rope and landed perfectly.

I quickly slipped my flip flops on and started to jog at a slow pace to my hill. No not my hill, Logan's hill. He was the only person I ever felt close to, someone I could trust with my life. But just like every story it ended badly, he ran away. Leaving me, no good bye, no note, he just left. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't realize I was at the top of our hill. I sat down in the grass just starring at the beaurtiful landscape. The clouds were sourring the full moon but not one of them moved in front of, almost like they were scared to. I giggled to myself "Wow Max you really have gone off the deep end" I giggled someone more at myself.

All of a sudden I felt like I was on fire, I look down to make sure I am not, oh good I am not, but that didn't stop the horrible pain I was feeling at that moment. I felt my face get hot and wet from tears going down my cheeks in waves. Fuck this hurt, I started hearing this popping sound and each time there was a pop I screamed it felt like there were sledge hammers banging against my bones and rearranging every single one of them. It was unbearable, just then the pain stopped. I sigh happy that it is over with and starting to get up. I look down at the ground, I widen my eyes and see that i am only about 5 feet off the ground with my head down, not only that but there were white PAWS where my hands should be. I turn so fast I thought I would fall or get whiplash, luckily I didn't. But what really scared me was my while body was clad in white and furry. All of a sudden I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, I look more closely and see it more again, I lung at it, but it moves to the other side, I quickly lung again only for it to move again. That was when I felt really stupid, I realized then that it was my tail. Yes, my tail, the one I was chasing at for a good 10 minutes.

If I was in my human form I would be as red as a tomato, oh right my human form. At that thought I got scared again, I did what I always did when I was scared, I ran.


I don't know how long I ran for but when I looked up to the sky the sun was up, not by much so it was still morning. At that thought, I layed down, I felt so tired but so awake and full of energy. My ear twitched when I heard a rustling sound coming from my right, I jumped up and growled. Then an older man and a younger man walked out from behind a bush. I focused my attention on the older man because let's face it older people scare me. He was good looking but old. I flicked my eyes to the younger man, I felt my jaw drop, yes he was that hot. He had dirty blond hair that hung just above his eyes, his eyes were blue, a nice build not to muscly but not to thin.

A laugh came from the older man when he noticed my stares and jaw on the floor, quite literally. I quickly snapped my mouth shut. I did a wolfy glare at the older man. He just laughed again, how dare he! I growled at the older man and showed him my pearly white sharp canines. He stopped laughing almost immediately.

"Shift" the older man ordered.

I snorted. Like I knew how to, I would have if I did. The younger boy looked angry that I didn't comply with this order. I could tell because his words were laced with anger.

"Listen to Charlie. Now shift!"

I kept starring at the the men. The younger boy seemed to get more annoyed that I didn't comply to his order either, because the next thing I know he was walking angrily at me. I couldn't help it but I started whining. My whining ceased when I felt a kick to my ribs, I fell to the ground. It hurt to breathe so I knew I broke or at least cracked a rib.

"Alec." Charlie said.

'Alec' didn't answer him, he just kicked me again. Make that 2 broke or cracked ribs. I saw his foot go back again but this time I was fast to move and jumped on 'Alec' snarling at him. He didn't even seem fazed, he smiled, he smiled when there was a large white wolf on top of him snarling. This boy must be crazy I thought.

Charlie then spoke."Get off him."

I complied but not before snapping at his face, which only made his grin wider. Seriously what is wrong with this kid? He sat up from where he was and starred at me. It was so nerve wrecking that I looked away and at 'Charlie'.

"Do you know how to shift back to your human form?" He spoke softly like talking to an infant not a teenager.

I shook my large wolfy head.

"Alright then, first-" He started to say but was cut off by 'Alec'.

"I am going back to the house, when she shifts bring her back to the house and put her in holding cell 7." With that 'Alec' walked off. I watched him walk off till I couldn't see him anymore, then shifted my attention back to 'Charlie', I shrunk back in fear at being alone with him.He seemed to notice because he started talking.

"Don't be afraid, little one." I growled at him when he called me 'little', I was far from that.

He chuckled, then spoke again. "As I was saying first you need to lay down"

I quickly laid down on my stomache, watching him.

"Now, picture yourself in your human form."

I did, nothing happened for a minute but the more I concentrated the more I wanted it. Finally, I started hearing popping noises again, it hurt but not as bad as before. It finally stopped but I still laid there, for 2 reasons, 1.) I was exhausted and 2.) I was completely naked. I started blushing at that thought. 'Charlie' seemed to notice, because he turned around and walked off. Uhm, okay well I guess I am staying here. At that thought, I heard him come back to me. This time he had a blanket and threw it over my body. I smiled a grateful smile at him, and stood up wrapping it all the around my body and tighter.

" I am Charlie, and you are?"

"Maximum Knight." I whispered.

"Nice to meet you, follow me please."

I nodded slowly but complied none the less. We walked for 5 minutes not speaking at all, it wasn't ackward though. It was almost normal. We arrived at a very, very, very large house. It probably had 100+ rooms!

"What is this place?" I whispered, mostly to myself. It didn't stop Charlie from answing though.

"This is the Blood Rose pack house."

"What? What is a pack house?" I looked at him completely confused.

"I cannot explain that right now, but Alec will." He spoke alost robotically.

I simply nodded and followed him to the 'pack house.' As I entered I immediately heard people whispering, some was good, while others... not so much. I ignored them though and followed Charlie. He stopped in from of a door labeled 7.

"Here you are Maximum."

I whispered a thank you and turned to open the door, when I did I immediately regretted going with Charlie. It was a mistake because when was in front of my eyes was worse than where I came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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