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↳The day had finally come. Two weeks had passed in a blur of intense training, nervous excitement, and thinking about the Sports Festival. Today, it was showtime. Security was tighter than ever—beefed-up guards, tons of staff, and cameras were everywhere. The Sports Festival was being broadcast live, so naturally, the pressure was high.

As I headed toward the changing rooms with the rest of Class 1-A, I couldn't help but look for my hero costume. I mean, that napkin drawing I handed in was a masterpiece, and yet, it was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa," I called out, jogging up to him. "Where's my costume? You know, the one I spent hours designing?"

Aizawa glanced over, looking half asleep as usual. "We're competing in gym uniforms, Y/N. Not hero costumes."

I stopped in my tracks. "Wait, what?!" I groaned, throwing my arms up. "Then why did I have to draw that picture?! I could've been training instead of crafting that work of art!"

"Quit whining," Aizawa said, shutting me down with a wave of his hand. "Get dressed and get ready. The festival's about to start."

I pouted but did as I was told, heading to the locker room to change into my unmodified, boring gym uniform. It didn't even have my chainsaw gear—just standard U.A. cloth that was probably going to be shredded by the end of the day, knowing me. Still, I couldn't resist trying to make it look cooler. I adjusted the sleeves, untucked part of the shirt, and struck a pose in front of the mirror.

"Hey, 'Suki," I grinned, turning to Bakugo, who was pulling on his sneakers nearby. "Do I look good or what?"

Bakugo didn't even look up. "Tch. You look fine."

I rolled my eyes. You could never get a straight answer out of that guy when it came to stuff like this.

Once we were all ready, Class 1-A gathered near the entrance of the stadium. The sound of the crowd's roar grew louder with each step we took, and as we walked out to the Freshmen Stage, I felt my heart racing. The energy was electric—thousands of people watching, cheering, and shouting. This was the biggest stage we'd been on yet, and I could feel it in my bones.

We joined the other freshmen classes, all lined up in the center of the stadium. Midnight, who was serving as the Chief Referee for the Freshmen Stage, strutted toward the stage and called for the player representative to come forward. Of course, it had to be Bakugo.

"Oooooh! Suki, they're calling you!" I said, giving him a playful shove. He scowled, but I could see the flicker of excitement in his eyes.

Bakugo stomped toward the stage, arms crossed and looking like he owned the place. When he grabbed the mic, his voice boomed through the speakers.

"I just wanted to say... I'm gonna win," he said confidently, causing a wave of gasps and murmurs from the crowd. The other classes immediately shot back with insults, booing and jeering at his arrogance.

I felt a spark of irritation. Who does this guy think he is? I mean, sure, he's talented, and he's been training like a madman, but how dare he steal the hearts of my fangirls with that swagger? No way I was letting him have all the attention.

Without thinking, I bolted onto the stage, lunging at Bakugo and tackling him. We crashed to the ground in a heap, and before he could say a word, I had him in a headlock.

"You think you're so cool, huh?!" I yelled, giving him a noogie. He grumbled something I couldn't quite hear, but he wasn't fighting back too hard.

"You're just mad 'cause I'm better than you," Bakugo grunted, shoving at me, trying to free himself from my grip.

"Oh, please!" I laughed, tightening my hold. "You're lucky I'm not taking this more seriously, or you'd be toast!"

The crowd erupted in laughter, and for a moment, I could feel the tension ease up. Bakugo and I tussled around on the stage like kids fighting over the last slice of pizza, our squabble more childish than anything serious. Eventually, Midnight had enough. She stormed over and yanked us apart with a flick of her whip.

"Save it for the festival, you two," she sighed, pulling us to our feet as we pouted, glaring at each other.

Midnight cleared her throat, regaining the crowd's attention. "Now that our little entertainment is over, let's move on to the first event of the Sports Festival!" She gestured toward the massive screen that flickered to life behind her, revealing the event: The Obstacle Race.

The words blazed across the screen, and Midnight's voice echoed throughout the stadium. "The first event is a nearly 4-kilometer obstacle race around the stadium! It'll test not only your speed but your ability to handle difficult terrain. May the best competitor win!"

The crowd roared in anticipation, and my eyes locked onto the starting line.

Obstacle race, huh? I thought, cracking my knuckles. This should be fun.

As we were all directed toward the starting area, Bakugo gave me a sidelong glance. "You better stay outta my way, Y/N."

I grinned, stretching out my arms, feeling the familiar itch of the chainsaws beneath my skin. "No promises, 'Suki. But you better be careful. I'm about to give everyone here a show they won't forget."

Bakugo just scoffed and turned toward the track, ready to bolt the moment the signal went off.

I took my place at the starting line, feeling my heart pound with excitement. The crowd's cheers faded into the background as I focused, adrenaline coursing through me like wildfire.

The U.A. Sports Festival had officially begun, and there was no way I was holding back now.

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