15// awkward

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15// awkward

After I put clothes on
replacing the fluffy bathrobe
the three of us sat in the living room
drinking our tea
in silence

"So Ophelia what do you do?"

Ice shot to my head
and fire to my throat
I felt the words jumble up in my mouth
and rearrange themselves

"She's in between jobs at the moment"
Grayson came to my rescue

I was a prostitute
who slept with men
with deep pockets
and danced for those
with less money

I woke up at night
and slept in the day
I wore nothing but underwear
and then I met your son
he gave me the best sex I have ever had

And that's saying something

The words seeped from my eyes
and my ears
and the corners of my mouth

I wonder if she could see that I was not
a lady
I was a dirty street rat

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