Chapter 18

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Mikey, Shuji, and I went to visit Shinichiro's grave today. But when we arrived, we weren't the first ones. Inupi, Takemichi, and another boy with white hair stood there. "Don't do it, Inupi." Mikey said as Inupi was about to punch the man with white hair. "Well, well, brother and sister, paying their respect, huh?" Izana asked. "huh." I said, and then Shuji stood in front of me, shielding me from the man. "Takemitchy, get Y/N away from here." Mikey said, and together with Hanma, he approached the others.

Takemichi and I now stood at the gate to the graveyard and watched them.

"Izana right? So that's what he's like. Why do boys always have to fight?" I asked Takemichi as I watched them talking. "Huh?" Takemichi was kind of confused. "The invincible Mikey, leader of the Tokyo Manji gang. ' Mikey always puts on a strong front around others. When Shinichiro died to. And when Baji died." I said and looked at the floor in sadness, and Takemichi looked at me surprised. "You're right," he said. "Even now, he can barely sleep without his worn-out blanket. He's a weak little boy. Just like you and me." I said and grinned at him.

"So if he ever snaps under the strains, when ever that happens, I swear I'll always be there to save him. I only want him and Shuji to be saved." I said and looked confident at Takemichi. "I'll get something to drink; you want some?" I asked, and he slowly nodded, drifting off to his mind. I then walked over to a vending machine.

When I returned with two drinks, I suddenly heard a bike engine, and I saw a big one with full speed in my direction. Everything was like in slow motion as I saw that bike approaching me. Two men. One in the back with a bat and one in the front driving. It felt like minutes but only lasted a few seconds when the bat collided with my head and I heard Takemichi's scream out my name.

-Nobody's POV-

When Hanma heard Takemichi's yells, he instantly ran out of the yard, and the sight in front of him broke him. He sprinted over to Takemichi, and Kina pushed him out of the way as he pulled his lover into his arms, softly rubbing his arms up and down. "Y/n-" He mumbled over and over again. "Takemichi, where's the next hospital?!" He yelled at him, and Takemichi was unable to speak. "Y/n." Mikey mumbled as he also arrived at the scene. "The next hospital!" Hanma yelled again, snapping Mickey out of his thoughts. "It's near; follow me!" Mikey yelled. Hanma pulled her from the ground, and her head was resting on his chest. "You'll be fine, I promise." He said and started running after Mikey in the direction of the hospital.

When they arrived, Hanma immediately approached the next nurse he saw, and when she noticed the situation, a few doctors came running towards him and pulled the girl out of his arms. He could only watch as she was brought into a room and the doors closed. He sat in front of the operation room, waiting. And waiting for a long time. But he soon realized waiting would bring nothing. He wanted just one thing. Revange.

He wasn't sure if Y/n would make it. But he saw red. Someone hurt Y/N, and he's going to pay. "It was Kisaki." Hanma heard the voice of Takemichi behind him, and he slowly nodded. "We're going to crush them. Hanma said, and together with Takemichi, he left the hospital on the way to the fight.

-hours later-


Everything is so bright. Why is everything so bright? I feel like I've slept for years damn. I opened my eyes only to close them again soon after. I was in a hospital room. It actually looked like it was nighttime, but the light in my room was switched on. After a few minutes, a nurse then entered the room, and when she noticed I was awake, she almost dropped her stuff. "Oh my dear, how are you feeling?" She asked and walked over. "I feel okay." I said, and she wanted to say something else but failed when the door got ripped open. There stood a blood-stained Hanma. I wasn't sure if he was able to walk straight, but he was there.

"Shuji..." I managed to whisper, my voice a little raspy. His eyes locked on mine, and just like that, the tension in his body evaporated. He was at my side in seconds, gripping my hand like it was the only thing keeping him anchored to this world. The tough, invincible Hanma looked... fragile. As if seeing me like this had torn something inside of him apart. "Y/N..." His voice cracked, the mask of cocky arrogance completely gone. "I thought—I thought I'd lose you." His words hit me harder than the bat had. The sight of him covered in blood, hands trembling slightly as they held onto me, broke my heart. He wasn't used to feeling this way, wasn't used to being so vulnerable. But seeing him like this only made me want to reach out to him more, to show him that I was okay. That I was still here.

"I'm right here, Shuji," I said softly, lifting my hand to his cheek and brushing away the blood-stained mess of his hair. "You didn't lose me." He leaned into my touch, his eyes closing as if he were savoring the feel of my hand. His breath was shaky, but when he opened his eyes again, there was something stronger, more determined behind them. "I couldn't protect you," he muttered, almost to himself. "I promised I'd keep you safe." I gave him a small smile, my thumb caressing his cheek. "I'm still here because of you. You brought me to the hospital, right? You did protect me." He pressed his forehead against mine, his body relaxing just a little, but his grip on my hand never loosened. "I swear, Y/N... I'll never let anyone hurt you again. Not Kisaki, not anyone." I felt a soft chuckle escape my lips. "You better not, Hanma. I don't want you getting any more blood on those clothes. It's really not your color." He let out a breath that sounded like a mix of a laugh and a sigh, shaking his head. "You're the one lying in a hospital bed, and you're still making fun of me." I laughed to myself at his comment.

For a moment, we just stayed like that—foreheads pressed together, his hand gripping mine like it was the only thing keeping him steady. The chaos and violence of the world outside seemed distant now, just a blur of noise compared to the steady beat of his heart against mine. But then Hanma pulled back just enough to look at me. There was a glint of something mischievous back in his eyes. "When you're out of here," he murmured, voice low and full of that familiar swagger, "we're going to take down everyone who even thinks about hurting you." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Shuji, I don't need you to declare war for me. Just... be with me. That's enough." He raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking up into a grin. "Deal," he said, before leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "But don't expect me to go easy on anyone who touches you again." I laughed softly, squeezing his hand. "I wouldn't dream of it."

The nurse, who had been standing awkwardly at the door, cleared her throat and shuffled forward. "Uh, excuse me. I just need to check her vitals, if you don't mind." Hanma straightened, wiping his face with the back of his hand, still not letting go of mine. His eyes softened as he watched the nurse fuss over me, making sure everything was alright. And once the nurse left, it was just us again. The chaos outside could wait, but right now, I had Hanma here. He sat by my side, resting his head on the bed, never letting go of my hand. There was something so peaceful about this moment—a kind of stillness that I hadn't felt in a long time. For once, I didn't have to worry about anything. Not the fights, not Kisaki, not the danger. Just him.

"Shuji..." I whispered, my eyes starting to feel heavy as the exhaustion from everything finally caught up to me. "Don't leave, okay?" He smiled softly, his fingers intertwining with mine as he pressed another kiss to the back of my hand. "I'm not going anywhere, Y/N. I'm right here." And with that, I let myself drift into sleep, comforted by the steady warmth of his hand in mine and the quiet promise that, no matter what, we'd be okay. Together.

The fight wasn't over, but right now, that didn't matter. We had each other, and that was enough.

-The End-

Thank you for reading <3

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