Putting a stop.

3 0 0

----- [The fridge]
COMPUTER: Thunderbird 2 preparing for take-off.
ALAN: We gotta be quick, The Hood's getting away.
PARKER: In position, m'lady. [He drops his hat underneath an icicle on the ceiling, making sure the ropes tying his hands together are in line with it.]
LADY PENELOPE: Here we go. [She looks up and begins to shake her foot to loosen her heel.]
COMPUTER: Launch sequence, stage two. [Thunderbird Two begins to exit her hangar.]
[She kicks her foot up, her heel flinging off and hitting the icicle. It cuts the ropes around PARKER's hands.]
PARKER: Good shot, m'lady.
[Thunderbird Two continues to exits the hangar. PARKER is cutting the hopes around his legs.]
LADY PENELOPE: Come on Parker, let's give those bad guys a good thrashing.
----- [Thunderbird Two]
[Thunderbird Two leaves the hangar.]
COMPUTER: Hydraulic systems... green. Guidance systems... green. Launch sequence, stage three. [The trees fall back on hydraulics as the platform reaches the end. Thunderbird Two is secured on the raised platform.]
----- [The fridge]
PARKER: [He taps the lock.] This appears to be a straightforward six lever mortice, m'lady.
LADY PENELOPE: I love it when your checkered past comes in handy, Parker.
PARKER: Thank you m'lady. Unfortunately, I feel I shall I need a piece of wire to access the mechanism. [LADY PENELOPE reaches under her top to her bra and begins to take the wire out. PARKER coughs, everyone turns around. BRAINS covers FERMAT's eyes.]
LADY PENELOPE: [She holds out the wire.] Will this suffice Parker?
PARKER: Most certainly, m'lady. [He takes the wire and begins to work on the lock.]
LADY PENELOPE: I didn't actually need it anyway.
PARKER: Of course not, m'lady.
[Thunderbird Two takes off. The lock clicks. PARKER pulls the door open.]
FERMAT: Quick, they're getting away! [They all leave the fridge.]
ALAN: Ok, everyone get to the control room.
FERMAT: Hat. [He hands PARKER his hat. PARKER puts it on.]
----- [JEFF's Office]
[They all run in. FERMAT starts typing on the computer. LADY PENELOPE and ALAN go to the communications monitor.]
ALAN: Get in there quick Fermat, and save my family. Then we'll get The Hood. Good luck.
COMPUTER: Access to mainframe, denied.
FERMAT: It looks like they slipped a back door key into the access codes.
BRAINS: I'll follow your lead, son.
LADY PENELOPE: Thunderbird Five come in. Thunderbird Five, come in.
ALAN: How long have they got before re-entry?
FERMAT: Ninety seconds and counting.
COMPUTER: Access to mainframe, confirmed.
FERMAT: I'm in!
ALAN: Good job Fermat!
FERMAT: Ok, I just need someone on their end to confirm the access protocol.
BRAINS: Thunderbird Five, come in.
ALAN: Dad, come on, are we coming through?
BRAINS: Mr Tracy, can you hear me? Come in.
LADY PENELOPE: Thunderbird Five come in.
ALAN: Dad, come on!
BRAINS: Mr Tracy, can you hear me? Come in.
ALAN: Dad?
BRAINS: Thunderbird Five, come in.
ALAN: How long have they got?
CYRA: Dad? Scott? Gordon? Virgil? John? Please wake up.
FERMAT: Forty-five seconds until re-entry.
BRAINS: [explosively] Damn it Jeff, wake up! [Silence. ONAHA looks on nervously.]
JEFF: I think that's the first time you've called me by my first name, Brains. [Everyone smiles, ALAN moves closer to the screen.] Thanks for waking me.
ALAN: Dad.
JEFF: Alan. Well done.
FERMAT: Mr Tracy, confirm access protocol.
JOHN: [He confirms the protocol.] Confirmed. We are back online. Good Job Cyra!
BRAINS: Gravity restored. Put Thunderbird F-F... your craft into geo-stational orbit immediately.
---- [Thunderbird Five]
JEFF: F.A.B., Brains.
COMPUTER: Geo-stationary orbit re-established. [JOHN gives him a thumbs up.]
JEFF: Looks like we're good to go.
----- [Tracy Island]
[JEFF's Office]
ALAN: Dad, are you alright?
JEFF: We're fine. We still have a job to do. Where's The Hood?
BRAINS: In Thunderbird Two, Mr Tracy. He's headed for L-L-L...
BRAINS: She's right.
ALAN: He's got The Mole on board.
JOHN: It looks like Thunderbird Three lost a booster, dad. We'll never get there in time.
ALAN: Let me go after The Hood. He'll destroy everything you've built, everything the Thunderbirds stand for.
JEFF: Negative, I'm sorry, it's too risky.
ALAN: I can do this, you know I can. What am I saying? [He puts his arms around FERMAT and TIN-TIN's shoulders.] We can do this.
[FERMAT puts his arm aroun CYRA's shoulders]
----- [Thunderbird Five]
[SCOTT, VIRGIL and GORDON are tidying up. JOHN and JEFF are standing by the control panel. JEFF looks to JOHN, who nods.]
JEFF: OK, Alan, we'll meet you there. Thunderbirds are go.
JEFF: Ok boys, we are outta here. [SCOTT, VIRGIL and GORDON go. JEFF puts an arm around JOHN and leads him to Three.]
----- [Tracy Island]
[JEFF's office. They enter SCOTT's chute.]
TIN-TIN: Are we really going?
ALAN: Yep.
TIN-TIN: Oh, boy. [PARKER puts his hat on and salutes to them. ALAN and TIN-TIN put their hands on top of each other's.]
ALAN: You ready, Fermat? [The light above them turns blue.]
FERMAT: N-n... I guess. [He puts his hand on top. The chute shuts.]
----- [Thunderbird One]
[FERMAT are sitting in the front, TIN-TIN and LADY PENELOPE are sitting in the back. (Note: Lady Penelope has changed again, to a Thunderbird suit with pink lining. The kids have changed clothes too; Alan has a long-sleeved cyan T-shirt and green trousers, Fermat has an orange short-sleeved T-shirt and and brown shorts, Tin-Tin has a red jacket and white trousers, and Cyra has cargo pants, a green shirt sleeves her hair is tied in a braid ]
COMPUTER: Engine sequence activated. Anti-detection shield, activated.
FERMAT: Flight controls are green. Hydraulic systems are good.
ALAN: Right, set primary fuel pumps. Main engines start.
LADY PENELOPE: Don't boys just love their toys.
COMPUTER: Engine sequence, complete. Launch sequence, initiated. [Alarms blare, the pool moves back.] Launch sequence complete.
LADY PENELOPE: [She and TIN-TIN hold hands.] And off we go. [ALAN and FERMAT launch Thunderbird One. Thunderbird One takes off, streaking up and over.]
ALAN: All right!
CYRA: Thunderbird one is go!
----- [London]
[Thunderbird Two approaches Tower Bridge. Two operators are sitting drinking tea, one notices the approaching behemoth.]
OPERATOR: Get the bridge up! Get the bridge up!
[The bridge opens just in time and Thunderbird Two moves through without a problem.]
----- [Thunderbird One]
BRAINS: Thunderbird One come in.
ALAN: Roger, Brains.
BRAINS: Situation update, Thunderbird 3 is about to initiate separation.
LADY PENELOPE: Boys, Thunderbird Two is in final approach to London.
ALAN: I know The Hood's weakness, Fermat. I can stop him if we get there in time.
FERMAT: Standby, we're going to maximum thrust.
Thunderbird One's engines open up at maximum and she shoots through the sky.
----- [Thunderbird Three]
[Thunderbird Three separates from Thunderbird Five]
JEFF: Gordon, heat 'em up. [The two working boosters fire up.]
----- [London]
[Thunderbird Two hovers over the London Eye and begins to land on Jubilee Gardens. People assembled there scream and scatter in earnest. Thunderbird Two lands in Jubilee Gardens, crushing an ice cream stand under one of its landing gear.]
CHUCK: We're getting reports of some kind of incident in London, involving the Thunderbirds. Lisa, are you there?
LISA: Chuck, I'm here at Jubilee Gardens where Thunderbird Two has made an impromptu landing, causing total panic in Central London. As far as we know, there has been no emergency call from this area, so it is unclear why Thunderbird Two would be active here at all. I don't know if you can see this, Chuck, but Thunderbird Two seems to be unloading some kind of machine.
----- [The Mole]
THE HOOD: Set a course for the vault. [The Mole emerges from Thunderbird Two, running over a child's bike before stopping. It drills down into the ground. People run over to stand by the rail to look at the scene.]
TRANSOM: Sir, if we stay on our present course, we'll sever the monorail's subterranean supports. Shall I correct our position?
THE HOOD: Stay on course.
TRANSOM: But Sir, we'll cause a major disaster.
THE HOOD: No, we won't. The Thunderbirds will.
[The monorail's supports are hit by the mole. The monorail begins to shake and the track begins breaking up. Panic ensues inside the carriage.]

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