Part - 28. ' Thank You. '

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They walk towards the house together, while Jennie struggling to carry all seven bouquets. Taehyung notices and steps in to help.

Taehyung - " Let me help you with those. "
He said, taking some of the bouquets from her. Jennie nods gratefully.

Jennie - " Thanks, it's a bit much to handle alone. "
She said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

As they enter the house, they are greeted by Jin, Jisoo, and Jennie's father (Kim Jun-Seo). Jin and Jisoo exchange knowing looks, while Jennie's father looks surprised and curious.

Jin - " Well, well, look who's here. "
He said, a teasing tone in his voice.
Jisoo - " Taehyung, it's good to see you. "
She said, smiling warmly. Jennie's father steps forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
Jun-Seo - " Jennie, who is this? "
He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. Jennie takes a deep breath, glancing at Taehyung before turning to her father.

Jennie - " Dad, this is Taehyung. He's the CEO of the company we're collaborating with. "
She said, her voice calm and steady. Taehyung steps forward, offering a polite bow.
Taehyung - " It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. "
He said respectfully. Jennie's father nods slowly, still processing the situation.
Jun-Seo - " I see. Well, thank you for helping Jennie. "
He said thoughtfully. Taehyung smiles slightly.
Taehyung - " It was my pleasure. "
He said gently.

As they settle into the living room, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed. Jennie's father watches Taehyung closely, while Jin and Jisoo exchange amused glances.

Jennie's father clears his throat, breaking the silence.

Jun-Seo - " So, Taehyung, how long will you be working with Jennie's company? "
He asked, his tone polite but probing. Taehyung meets his gaze steadily.
Taehyung - " For the next few weeks, sir. We have a significant project to complete. "
He said, his voice composed. Jin leans back, a smirk playing on his lips.

Jin - " Well, it looks like you two will be seeing a lot of each other.
He said, his tone teasing. Jennie straightens up, her expression determined.
Jennie - " It's purely professional, Jin. We have a lot of work to do. "
She said, her voice as she glanced at Taehyung.
Jisoo - " Stop being so serious, Jin. "
She said, laughing softly. Jennie's father nods, a thoughtful expression on his face.
Jun-Seo - " Well, Taehyung, you're welcome here anytime. "
He said, his tone warm.
Taehyung - " Thank you, sir. I appreciate your hospitality. "

Just as the conversation starts to flow, the doorbell rings. Jennie looks up, slightly puzzled.

Jennie - " I wonder who that could be. "
She said, standing up to answer the door. As she opens it, she is greeted by the sight of Lisa and Rosé standing there, both with wide grins and a box of cupcakes.

Lisa - " Surprise! "
She exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Jennie's face lights up with joy.
Jennie - " Lisa! Rosé! What are you two doing here? "
She asked, pulling her friends into a hug. Lisa laughs, hugging her back tightly.
Lisa - " We brought your favorite cupcakes from that famous bakery. Thought you might need a treat. "
She said, holding up the box.
Rosé - " And we wanted to see you, of course. "
She said softly. Jennie steps aside, letting them in.

Lisa - " Hi, everyone! "
Rosé - " Hello, everyone. It's nice to see you all. "
Jin - " Crackheads are here again. "
Jun-seo - " Come here. Have a sit. "

Lisa and Rosé notice the bouquets scattered around and exchange curious glances.

Lisa - " Wow, Jennie, that's a lot of flowers. What's the occasion? "
Jennie - " It's a long story. "
Rosé - " Well, it must be quite a story. "
She said, as glanced at Taehyung.

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