Lyra (Changeling)

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Name: Lyra (unknown)

Age: Early 20s

Lyra has blue eyes and blond locks. An innocent face with rosy cheeks and she seems to never age. But, her looks are deceiving. Her true form has no parallels to her human form.
She has black, dry scales, piercing yellow eyes and a disproportionate large mouth with rows of sharp fangs. Instead of hands and feet, she has long claws and spikes run along her spine down to the tip of her tail.

Despite her nature, Lyra is calm and gentle most of the time. She feels more comfortable in her human form and longs to be a real human.
She is a people pleaser most of the time, bending backwards to conform to expectations and demands but she is very protective of the ones she cares about. She tries to deny her changeling nature most of the time, insecure and hesitant to reveal her true self to anyone, scared to drive them away.

Lyra was switched with a human baby when she was just as young by her hive. She took form of the baby and grew up in the human household with unsating hunger and thirst. Additional to all the food and drinks she consumed, she fed on the parental love brought forward to the deceived human couple, unknowingly.
When her false mother passed away from weakness, the human father attempted to abandon her in another town. Upon returning to him, he attacked her to which she realized she wasn't human, seen by her greed blood. She fled and was left to face her identity crisis on her own.

Being surrounded by friends and loved ones (As she still feeds on positive emotions of others)

Being reminded of her true nature.
Being unable to protect her loved ones

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