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↳ As I prepare for the second event of the U.A. Sports Festival, the Cavalry Battle, I can feel my heart racing. Midnight is standing on the stage, explaining the rules to all of us. She says we have to form teams of 2 to 4 members, and the goal is to snatch as many headbands from the other teams as possible. Each headband has a point value based on where we finished in the obstacle race. I've got 195 points because I came in fourth.

I look around, scanning the faces of my classmates. My first thought is to find Bakugo—Suki's strong, and there's no way he'd let anyone mess with our team if we were together. I start running around, weaving through the crowds of students. "Suki!" I yell, pushing past a couple of students. I finally spot him leaning against a wall, arms crossed, looking irritated as usual.

"Suki! Join team 'Win with Y/N!' We'll crush it together!" I grin, feeling like this is a no-brainer.

"Fuck no," he says flatly, not even looking at me.

I stop in my tracks, my grin dropping into a frown. "What? Why not?!"

He glares at me, clearly annoyed that I even asked. "Because we'd be mad targeted, dumbass. Together we have too many points. Anyone who joins our team is just asking to get jumped."

I blink at him, completely lost. "Uh, speak English? What the hell are you talking about?"

His eye twitches, and I swear he's about to blow up on me. "Are you stupid?!" He shouts. "If we team up, any team too scared to challenge Deku's will be after us because of all the points we'd have in one place! It's basic math!"

I cross my arms, not backing down. "Well, excuse me for not caring about your stupid math! You just don't wanna team up with me because you're scared."

His face turns red with frustration, and we start hurling insults at each other. "Kill yourself!" he snaps, clearly pissed off.

"KILL YOURSELF HARDER!" I fire back, my voice rising.

"Kill yourself, both of you," Mina chimes in, suddenly appearing with Kirishima and Sero, who are now laughing at us.

Kirishima grins, looking entertained. "I've got 500 yen on Y/N winning this argument."

"Yeah, well, I'm betting on Bakugo blowing up the whole damn stadium before this is over," Sero adds with a laugh.

"You guys are both idiots," Mina says, shaking her head, though she's grinning like she's enjoying the show.

Before I can say anything back, Midnight's voice cuts through the noise. "Enough sibling banter! Y/N, you have three minutes left to find a team!"

My heart drops. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I panic, turning on my heels and running away. "Bye, losers!" I shout over my shoulder, not without flipping Bakugo off as a parting gesture.

As I dash through the crowd, my mind's racing, and I realize I have no idea who to team up with. Then, I spot him—Shinso. My eyes light up, and I bolt towards him, waving my arms like a maniac. "Shinso!! I've been looking for you all day! I thought I'd find you during the race, but I guess I wasn't looking hard enough!" I'm panting when I finally reach him.

Shinso is standing with Aoyama and Ojiro. He's got another spot open, and it's like fate or whatever. I was just about to ask if I could join his team when he starts speaking, totally out of nowhere.

"So, Y/N, did you think you had a chance at first place, or were you just messing around during the race?" Shinso asks me with a curious tone, as if he's genuinely interested.

"Huh? What? Oh, uh..." I start to answer, confused by the random question. "I mean, I was definitely trying, but Todoroki—"

And then everything goes blank.

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"Join my team."

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I blink, and suddenly I'm standing in formation next to Aoyama, and Ojiro, arms raised and carrying Shinso. Wait... what just happened?

"Great. Looks like our team's set." Shinso says, sounding smug.

I glance around, completely dazed. What the hell? How did I end up on Shinso's team? I try to remember what I was doing just a few moments ago, but my mind's foggy. One minute I was running towards him, and now I'm here, part of his squad. Something's off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Shinso smirks, looking way too satisfied with himself, but I don't question it. "Guess it's time to show them what we're made of, right, Y/N?"

I nod, still confused but smiling anyway. "Yeah, sure! Let's crush 'em!"

Whatever just happened, I'm part of this team now, and I'm not about to back down from the challenge.

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