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-21/10/2020, KAT IS 14 AND PEEP IS 17.-

I yawn and rest my head down on my desk ontop of my sketchbook. I look out my window and see a moving van across the street, i take out one of my earphones.

i see people moving stuff in and out the house across from me. i sit and watch since i am just nosey like that.

i see a sweet looking lady as shes pulling something that looks like a sofa out of the moving van, who is followed by a rather tall boy with half pink and half black hair helping her.

the tall guy is covered with tattoos all up his neck, arms, hands and even on his face. I sit and watch, interested.

eventually, the moving truck left and i was just staring at the dead house, zoned out until my mum, nicole, bursts through the door. "KAT!" i feel myself jump, spinning my spinny chair around to face my mom.

"wassup? everything okay..?" i fold my arms, looking up at her, she seems like shes about to burst.

"WE HAVE NEW NEIGHBOURS ACROSS THE STREET!! COME WITH ME TO GREET THEM!" shes basically bouncing up and down at this point.

i shake my head simultaneously, "no, no, no, and most definitely NO!" i sigh as i lean back in my chair.

my mom pouts, "whyyy..!" she slouches, "i was gonna give them some cookies as a housewarming gift! also theres a lad there thats.. youre type! im sure youd get along well!" she looks at me as she frowns.

"theres no way youre going to get me to go nicole! you know how i feel about people, especially new people!" i roll my eyes.

she groans and throws her head back, "finee me and ethan will go and meet them. you be boring and rot in your room." she giggles as she walks out of my room and shuts the door behind her.

i go back to my sketching, i keep thinking about that guy i saw, imaging his tattoos in my head.

I hear the door shut from nicole and ethan. I watch them as they carry a box of cookies across the street, i yawn and stretch, i watch my mother as she talks to the opposite neighbour, the sweet lady.

i yawn again and decide to get some sleep and i stand up from my seat and head toward my bed. i lay down and start falling asleep.

When You Leave I'll Start Chasin' [PEEP x MAINCHARACTER]Where stories live. Discover now