Broken Bat

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Everything was in ruin, they destroyed him until Wayne Enterprise wasn't anymore leaving him to become homeless. Bruce searching in unfamiliar alleys trying to clear the mind fog in his search. He didn't have many places to go as he found the one person who is willing to offer him a home. He never expected he'll have to ask for the favor as he walk toward the door. Bruce didn't want to do this thinking about the past, taking a big gulp of his drying throat.

He knocked a few times before rethinking this choice, adding to the lack of answering the door he notice the curtain's moving. Maybe he picked the wrong apartment now not sure about the location. When Bruce was about to give up, hearing the door open he turn around to see who he hesitant about getting help from "Harley." She look surprise at his disheveled appearance but excitement about him picking her to rely on which he didn't react. "Hey Brucey, I wasn't sure you remember about me." Sadness almost shifting her tone in voice, Harley pushing the door wide open to allow him entrance as he slowly enter inside cautiously looking around. Her eyebrow going up in amusement seeing this.

"You're safe here. No one will think about messing with you under my watch." He listen to her, she knew what happen to him and the Bruce who she knew seem to be lost. Her nose began concentrating on a strong lingering odor that was coming from him, making her gag "Bruce you're taking a shower now!" Grabbing him with all her strength she push him toward her shower. He simply complying hearing the door shut, realizing she didn't have clothes for him to wear. Hearing Harley yelling outside the door about going to get him clothes, "Thank you Harley!" letting her know he heard her before she went to the store. It's been a while since he took a nice hot shower letting himself enjoy the warmth of the water, he look at her shampoo and wonder if it'll be fine.

He seem to get lost in his thoughts as he got out the shower. Harley being home for a few minutes waiting for Bruce to be done with his outer monologue as her curiosity got to her, hearing enough getting up with a bag in hand from her couch to knock on the bathroom door. He open the door allowing Harley to walk in without hesitation, setting the bag on her sink "Got you some clothing you'll love! Brought you a razor and cream for when you want to shave, and of course your own toothbrush. It's Batman theme!" Bruce felt the energy of Harley rubbing on him, a smile that she hadn't seen since forever as he pick up the items she gave him. "Take your time Bruce, my casa is your casa." Cutting herself from saying more and reminding them both of something they both seem to not want to talk about. She close the door giving him privacy to get himself in his new clothes, she could hear the bathroom sink running water.

She sat there wanting not to care about him finally deciding to show up to her home; doing her best to be confident since he chose to avoid her even when in groups, painful but he never failed to show up when she really needed him. It's difficult to accept the reality when she didn't expect him to ever take her offer. He never ignored her when she insisted on partnering up and he always defended her when people doubted her. She made something of herself escaping her past, still Harley wasn't an angel.

When she closed her eyes to the taunting from her own mind along with the past replaying in her mind. For a moment she thought of those days when she was patrolling at his side, her mind seem to fall further into daydreams until she felt a tongue on her hand. She immediately open her eyes away from the image that popped with that sensation as she saw her Babies finally awake. "My little boys are awake." Petting them as she got up to prepare them a meal. 'He must be hungry, he lost a lot of weight.' remembering the detail she took from when she saw his body.

The bathroom door open. Bruce refreshed after being able to clean himself up, Harley taste in clothing made him feel comfortable as he approach her. Smelling the food she is cooking his stomach letting out a noise loud enough for Harley to look at him, " I haven't ate in a while." Embarrassment as he went to her stopping; becoming hesitant when Harley pets became hostile to his presence, letting it be known where he is before being stopped by Harley. "Bud! Lou!" the last one being a whisper that was pointless "Bruce." Setting down three plate's for them to eat while backing away at being yelled at, now focusing into the meal she prepared them. "It's fine Bruce, let's eat." He went toward a small table with their plates already set.

"What you want to drink." He look inside her fridge seeing a lot of beverages which he almost forgot "Can I have a water bottle?" Harley got herself a coke to drink. She sat there in anticipation of his response to her cooking. He ate the food without stopping only to take a sip of water, 'Is he drinking water because of the taste?' trying to not focus so much on that. "Do you hate me?" He stop eating seeing Harley look down at her plate, attracting her pets to her side to comfort her. Bruce didn't know if he should tell her, the silence from him made her now make eye contact waiting for his answer and he knew it wouldn't be right.

"Harley...I know my distance from you left that impression. I never and can't ever hate you;" Bruce knew that it was becoming harder to control his emotion. "It's the day you suddenly packed up and disappeared without even saying goodbye." He didn't want to continue but something kept him going. "Then you show up constantly to help out and I never had the time to talk to you, at first I felt confused why you kept staying at my side like before." The way they fought any villain's that got in their way, Bruce fondness of the memory then those times when he almost lost her. His eyes holding tears that Harley watch remain in his eyes, she got up accidentally stepping on one of her boy's paws "Shit...I'm sorry Bruce and that goes to both of you." She sat next to him, "At the time I had to leave and it's a good reason. I didn't want to leave but Joker figured out your identity." Bruce hearing that now understood everything from how she behaved the last few days around him, he put his hand on her shoulders.

"If that meant not losing you." She push his hands away "I wasn't going to the reason Gotham lost their hero; They need you and how much danger I'll put you in letting that information out!" He lean back to the chair. Harley didn't know what he was thinking, actually she was with him long enough to know. "I need you more than anything. I'm not selfish but for you Harley I am." He always did something to her the way he didn't hold himself from her. She got up not really knowing if she should push further their conversation as he kept his eyes on her and she'll have to clean up the table anyway of the food, it got cold in their talk and it becoming hard to walk with her boys still close to her feet. 'They're to cute for their own good.' She was about to pick up Bruce plate, he held on to it "Not done yet Harley, you're cooking is really good." He ate that plate while Harley sat on the couch, the television on and she wasn't watching.

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