On This Morning

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Harley sat there in her sofa chair, back against the soft fabric, the pitch darkness as the clock glowing light brightened enough her silhouette from taking a monstrous shape. She really couldn't believe how much their relationship change, a total whiplash from these last few days that reminded her of toxic ex-boyfriends. How could Bruce do this to her? At first it didn't bother her, she would wake up cold and without Bruce at her side, letting herself drift back to sleep thinking he'll eventually be back in bed. When it became a routine is when she felt deep sadness that began to ache her heart and her imagination torturing her with the possibilities, she refuse to believe he was cheating on her until one day she was watching Bruce put away groceries, it's when Bruce was putting away can food into the lower cabinet that she saw a small bruise on his neck.

'Is it something about me he didn't like?', her horrible cackling at the show they watch or the way she would cling on to him tightly as they'll sleep. Her jealousy grew until she decided this is the night she would wait for him to get up, she felt the bed shift in weight, she thought he was going to return but only to hear their front door open. She watched the front door with an intense stare. 'This isn't what I expected from you Bruce.', sure they been together for a few months but she found them to be the most meaningful months ever. Harley could hear the door opening, she would make him regret for playing with her heart.

"Hey Bruce." He felt a chilling sensation run through his entire body as he gently closed the door, turning to see Harley on their couch. It didn't take a lot of lighting to see Harley looking furious and one he hadn't seen in a long time. "Hey Harley. Why are you waiting for me on the couch?" She didn't change her expression as she got up to turn on the lights, "Are we really going to waste time Bruce? I think it'll be best for both of us to cut the bullshit." She was in the right to not be in such a good mood, Bruce watch her eyes widen as she walked closer, staring at his neck. "What the fuck is this!" He wince as she poke at his neck, he wasn't sure what she was angry about as she sniff at him. 'I never seen Harley like this before, I have to be careful with what I say.' He grabbed her shoulders as she continued to look at him with those angry teary eyes.

"I should have known better. Bruce...before I hurt you, you need to get the fuck out." She pointed at the door, Bruce knew the situation is escalating rapidly and without thinking walk closer to Harley who saw his hands reaching toward her, she raised her own to slap them away, "Don't touch me!" He reacted quick enough to catch her hands and using his strength to hug her by force. "Harley, you have to listen to me. What you're assuming is not what it is, I know I've kept you in the dark." She look up to him, her watery blue eyes staring to make sure he wasn't lying as she poke at his neck, "What about the hickey Bruce?" He didn't understand until he walk toward a mirror and saw what she was angry about. Hiding this from her wouldn't do any good in their relationship. Bruce turning with a guilty face, making Harley fear the worse. "I been fighting crime." Harley look at him with so much anger, "You fuckin...You been doing what?"

A sense of relief wash over Harley anger as she didn't know how Bruce will feel about her now. "Harley, I love you to much to ever hurt you like that," She made sure to look up at any sign of lying on his face. "I can reassure you that I want to end my day with one person and that's you." She push a to get off f his chest to get on her tippy toes towards his lips and his instinct to close that distance held her tighter as they kiss. She look at him until concern began to fill her mind as she broke the kiss. "No more," He was about to say something as he felt one finger gently shush him.

"I'm not letting you get hurt, you're vulnerable without your suit and gadgets." She went silent thinking about it as she gave him a look. "Not without me at your side Bruce." Their morning began rocky but they both headed to their kitchen to begin another day. Harley eyes became wide. "Bruce, you're bleeding!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04 ⏰

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