TW! (I guess) Neva's kinda a creep and idk why i made them like that lmao
Beth, Cyn, N and Neva all began walking over to the campfire, where everyone else was sitting. "Hey, Zi!" N waves at the emo-looking purple haired girl. "Hey N!" She waves back. Neva decides that the girl's name is 'Zi.' She looks over at Cyn, who's rocking back and forth on her heels.
They all sit down on a log, and everyone begins talking. Neva's getting a little nervous, in which Beth takes notice to and reaches for her hand, holding it. It lessens her nerves, Neva calms down slightly.
Beth's tail sways slowly from side to side, and Cyn's tail curls around N's. The same two silver-haired girls are sitting together, tails intertwined and in a heart shape. Neva manages to catch both their names after overhearing them, 'J' and 'V.'
Zi seems to be a close friend to N and Beth, Cyn looks like they feel out of place. Neva looks over at them, giving a soft smile and Cyn seems to relax. They get up for a moment and sit next to Neva instead. "It's probably not good to stay up so late." Neva looks over at Cyn for a second. "Especially not for you, and your sleep. N told me about it."
Cyn rolls her eyes and looks at the fire pit. "Well that's going out." The fire flickers out and everyone dissolves into darkness. Neva flicks her torch on and puts it in Cyn's eyes, the only light in the area other than their eyes. "ACK-" Cyn falls backwards and they both start giggling. She helps them back onto the log and flashes the light into the middle.
"Do we have enough firewood to start it again?" Neva gets up and crouches by the firepit, slowly moving the light around the area. "We have a few, but it's not enough to start a new fire." Zi speaks up. "Who wants to get more firewood?" Neva stands up, nobody volunteers, she grumbles and walks off into the forest.
Weirdly enough, there's barely any sticks, but there's a few more the deeper she goes in. Neva kicks a rock and her flashlight flickers slightly, she hits it and it turns on again. She groans, cursing under her breath and turning around. She has more than enough sticks, so she heads back to camp.
Along the way, her flashlight dies and she runs into a tree. She can hear a twig snap in the distance and she darts to look that way. She can hear leaves crunching and suspicious noises off in the distance, she takes a deep breath and continues walking back to camp. Her steps gain speed as she hears the noises close in on her.
She suddenly finds herself back at the firepit circle, she recognises all of the people's eyes. She turns her own eyes off for a minute, going behind one of them. She breathes on their neck slightly, resisting the urge to laugh. She watches them stiffen and she can tell that their eyes have hollowed at this point.
She crouches down to the ground and hides creeps away from them as they turn around. "I just felt something on my neck- that's like.. not cool." They speak up, moving their legs to be on the log. Neva creeps around the circle and chooses someone else, doing the same thing to them before doing it to the person next to them. They both turn around and their tails intertwine more.
Neva runs back around the circle, going to where she came in from. Going in slightly, looking around and coming out fully standing. "I got the wood!" She grins, going over to the fire pit and placing the sticks down. "How do we start a fire?" She looks around at everyone. "Rocks and sticks." J says. "Not gonna question how you know that"
J looks offended but shuts up, huffing slightly and leaning on V's shoulder. V gently holds J's head to her side with one of her hands.
Neva grabs a random rock and flicks it gently against the wood. Pressing harder and getting better results until it finally works, the surrounding area erupts with light. Neva sputters and scrambles away from the light, getting back onto their log.

You're so stupid sometimes..
FanfictionI got a fun little idea to make a murder drones OC! And definitely not because i simp for Cyn, i shipped them with Cyn! (Cyn is aged up, of course) This follows the perspective of Neva. They are in highschool, and on a camp trip! Because camp trips...