Starting to Fall

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A/N Hi everyone!This is the first book that I'll be doing and I hope you guys enjoy it. It's really not cliché and it's REALLY different from all the books you've read before.If you want to read it take time to read but if not then fine :) Thanks!


It's summer again.Another school year has gone and now is the time to enjoy! But right now I am getting ready to go to our church since it's our Vacation Bible Week.Wherein for a whole week we get to meet other kids,do activities and of course learn about God. So after I prepared I went to our church quickly because I was running late.

"Wez!Over here!"

I quickly spotted my 2 bestfriends.So I ran towards them.

"Hey Dani,hi Tria" I greeted them.

"So how's school?Good thing you came" Dani said

"It was great specially we just have a year before we finish middle school.Of course I came" I replied.

Then the teacher came to get out attention

"Okay class.Today is the start of our annual Vacation Bible Week.Today I would like to introduce to you your new classmate.Let's welcome Randall to the group."

When he came in, I saw a mop of brown hair,hazel eyes,tan skin,full cheekbones. I can say he has nice and calm face features. But when I looked into his eyes,it was his eyes that I saw that was empty.

So he took a seat and was greeted with pleasantries. While I,am lost

in my own thoughts as to why this Randall has empty eyes. I don't know what I can see in him but it doesn't seem like he's too happy in his life.

"Hey Wez! Wezley Serene where are you?" Dani said

"Um.obviously I'm here?" I stated

"Yeah and obviously too your mind is somewhere else. What is it about? Tria asked

"Nothing actually, I was just curious about the new kid in here." I said

"Oh. Okay." they said smirking together

"Oh stop it guys. It's like we just met him exactly 40 seconds ago." I retorted

"Yeah whatever Wez. We didn't even say anything yet." Dani retorted smirking

"Okay just stop it you two." I laughed at them sarcastically.

But still imy mind is still drifting away in my own thoughts about Randall.

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