Line Between Love and Danger

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Love Alarm

The night had grown colder, the stillness of the park replaced by a tense silence. The scent of damp earth and wet leaves filled the air, clinging to Edward's skin as he and Mabel lay behind the fence, hidden by the thick underbrush. Their breathing was heavy, mingling with the distant hum of the city, but Edward couldn't shake the pounding in his chest. His mind raced with the events that had just unfolded-the SUV, the chase, and the narrow escape through the gap in the fence.

Mabel sat upright, wrapping her arms around her knees as she tried to steady herself. Her dark hair was tangled from the sprint, and a light sheen of sweat clung to her brow. The fear in her eyes was undeniable, but it was the weariness beneath that hit Edward the hardest. She had been running from this her entire life.

"I thought... I thought they had me this time," she whispered, her voice raw.

Edward leaned forward, resting his hand gently on her back. He could feel the tension in her muscles, her body still trembling from the close call. "We're okay now. We got away."

"For now," Mabel muttered, shaking her head. "They won't stop, Edward. They never stop."

Edward's jaw tightened as he looked at her. He had seen Mabel handle pressure before-whether it was schoolwork or petty high school drama-but this was something far deeper, far more dangerous. She was strong, but even he could see the cracks in her armor.

"We'll find a way out of this," he said, his voice firm, but Mabel didn't look convinced.

She glanced at him, her eyes searching his face for something-perhaps reassurance, maybe even hope-but instead, she saw the same stubborn determination that had gotten him involved in her dangerous world to begin with. A part of her hated it, the part that wanted to protect him from the storm swirling around her, but another part of her... felt something different. A longing. Maybe she had been wrong to push him away.

"I've been on my own for so long," she admitted, her voice softer now. "I didn't want to drag you into this, Edward."

Edward let out a small laugh, though there was no humor in it. "You didn't drag me into anything. I came willingly. I care about you, Mabel. I always have."

Mabel's breath caught, and for a moment, the danger seemed to fade into the background. She looked at him, really looked at him, and saw the boy she had once teased in class, the one who had always been there for her no matter what. And now, despite everything, he was still here-fighting for her, even when she didn't have the strength to fight for herself.

"I don't deserve you," she whispered, the words slipping out before she could stop them.

Edward's brow furrowed, confusion flashing in his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

Mabel swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. "You deserve someone who isn't constantly looking over her shoulder, someone who isn't being hunted by a criminal organization."

"That's not for you to decide," Edward replied, his voice firm but gentle. He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "I'm not going anywhere, Mabel. No matter how hard you try to push me away."

Mabel's heart twisted in her chest. She had spent so long convincing herself that love was a luxury she couldn't afford, that letting someone in would only put them in danger. But now, sitting here with Edward, she felt her resolve beginning to crumble.

"I don't know how to stop them," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I don't know how to make this go away."

Edward took her hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll figure it out together. I promise."

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