Yn: *wakes up and starts crying* I miss you so much appah, eomma After 5 minutes
Yn: I won't give up on living, I will stay healthy for you.....I will make sure that I find the killer, are you proud of me?
I cleaned my dry tears and went to take a bath *After bathing....I wore this
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I left the bathroom and sat on my bed....
I heard a shuffling sound so I looked near my window and almost fainted when I saw a boy
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??: Hi baby Yn: Who are you man? ??: I am Taehyung and also V Yn: TMI but what are doing here in the girls dorm?!
Yn: Yah get out *starts jin's rap* Taehyung: Do you want to know the killer of your family? Yn: *Stutters w-what?
Taehyung:Mmh?? Yn: How do you know who the murderer is, but first of all how do you know someone killed my family?? Taehyung: I will tell you the next time I visit you but I need to find that bastard first. Yn: Mhh.... Taehyung: I want to help you.... Yn: But how should I trust you?
Taehyung: I am Namjoon's bestfriend *smiles* You can trust me, I only want to help you out, I swear... Yn: Okay thanks but where did you enter my appartment from?? Taehyung: I entered through the window... Yn: *giggles* What? Lol
Taehyung: Please keep laughing like this and be happy instead of crying, be strong Yn because We...I meant I will help you... Yn: *Bows* Thank you so much Taeberry Taehyung: Oh I like that nickname *smiles*
Taehyung: And also, don't worry about Namjoon and Junkook. Yn: Whats up with kookie though? Taehyung: He is not locked up in that mental room anymore, he will live a normal life from now... Yn: Omo I am so glad to hear that! I knew kook was a good person...
Taehyung: Okay I have math class now, I have to leave....bye baby girl Yn: B-b-bye *Taehyung jumps out from the window*
Yn: He is kinda weird, he came here through the window, second, he wanted to help me even though we don't know each other....and he even flirted with me?
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