chapter 1

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You sneaked out of your car, silently shutting the door and opening the cream door to you and Harry’s mansion quietly. You wanted everything to be perfect, Harry was out with Zayn at some nightclub so you planned that when he got home you were going to have the most perfect time together. You had dressed up fancy in a cream lace dress and black stilettos and bright red lipstick, hair flowing down by your shoulders. You text harry to wear a tux but his phone was probably on silent as usual. You went into the kitchen and dumped your shopping bags on the countertop, you loved harry and wanted to celebrate 8 months of being together tomorrow, so tonight was the start. Zayn was your distraction just as you had arranged, you were unpacking your shopping bag of ingredients for the chocolate gateau you were about to create as a scrumptious pudding when you heard Harrys phone go off. You skipped upstairs thinking he had just left his phone behind whilst going clubbing and went to go and get it and ring Zayn for him. Your hand slithered up the wooden banister as you went up the wooden stairs in your beautiful house harry and you shared, that you had put so much effort and love into. It felt like you and harry. It had sentimental things about you and harry everywhere, he had painted flying birds in the distance on the wall in your room because you missed living by the sea and for him there were canvases displaying Banksy artwork which was his greatest love. It was always lying around the house, you were always tripping over canvases slouched against the wall that weren’t hung up making you spill your tea everywhere. You gripped your hand on the ice cold door knob , but you could hear talking , you placed your ear next to the snow-white door that still smelt of fresh paint done from a paint war you and harry had only last week . You could hear a girl giggling. Thoughts paced through your mind. You automatically knew what he was doing. He told me he would never hurt me and then he goes and cheats on me. Could it be a mistake? You loved harry too much to just let go of what you had together, he may not even be cheating you thought to yourself. Holding back the tears that were dying to break though, you opened the door. You saw them, your mouth dropped in shock. It hit you like a bullet a beautiful blonde girl was laying underneath Harry with his arms round her waist whilst she giggled in awe. The room stank of alcohol almost making you gag. You stood there in shock for a moment, unable to speak. You were too hurt too say anything, your heart had shattered to pieces in literally moments. 

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