Chapter 2

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“Harry, oh my god, what are you doing?” you screamed, tears now dropping down your face.

He laid there for a moment taking in what had happened we stared blankly at each other unable to say anything. That’s when I knew it was over, I dropped my iPhone causing it to smash and wiped my tears back. You reached out for the door and walked out; you couldn’t believe what you saw. You didn’t know what to do but all you knew is you didn’t want to see his cheating face again, you grabbed the nearest coat and ran out the door. Harry screamed your name from out the window topless begging you to come back and listen but you didn’t want to listen, you ran to Liam’s house. Then suddenly whilst running in the street, you wondered if it was worth it, whether life was worth it anymore, he was your one and only you really trusted now harry and all that he thought of you was nothing. You slumped down to the cold hard floor crying perched against a wall of a house in a closed road, slugged in Harrys warm parka that still smelt of him strongly , you missed him already , everything reminded you of him but you were so hurt . The moment replayed in your mind so many times. He had no way of finding you, you had smashed your phone and you were alone in a street you never knew was there. You thought to yourself how they’re probably both at it now, luckily you’d only walked in when harry was topless. You needed to tell harry how you felt but you couldn’t face him, you grabbed your pen out of your blazer pocket that was on top of your dress and wrote on a bit of paper you found in Harry’s parka, it had your name scribbled with hearts over. No you forced yourself to think straight. He didn’t want you. And you had to move on. You started scribbling out a letter to harry, people walked past giving you weird looks, but no one understood how you felt, cold winter air filled your lungs whilst you were collapsed against the wall writing everything to harry explaining everything you thought of him.

 Dear Harry, it’s broken me, I understand why you would want something more than what we had. I thought what we had was special but obviously it wasn’t enough for you. I love you harry and I still do even though you have shattered my heart to pieces. I’m sat here slumped against someone’s random wall writing you this. I can’t see you right now even though it’s killing me to say this I know that I wasn’t good enough, the fans were right, she was better. I think you love me, I tell myself you do but in reality you don’t ,  You will always be my one and my only , you’re the only person who I could only ever trust, I told you everything . We were soul mates. But now I have no-one. I don’t even know now if life is worth living without you I’m incomplete but what you did has broken me. I can’t live without you, I’m sorry. Once I’m gone just promise me you will always keep the paper plane necklace we both used to wear so you have a reminder of me. Promise me you will finish the photo album of our lives together so there’s always something of us. Promise me you won’t forget me, not now, not ever, that am all I want. I don’t expect a reply but I just had to let this out, I’m going to move away , I have my credit card I’ll be in hotels for a while whilst looking for somewhere far away from things , I need to be away . I know you will find another girl but it will break me seeing you together, thank you for making my life so amazing these past 8 months (tomorrow) they’ve been the best ones of my life. I didn’t want us to end up like this, I imagined us married. Together forever.  By the way there is a promise ring in the cabinet behind the books in the lounge. I was going to give it to you tomorrow when we went for my surprise picnic that I was planning. I thought you loved me, obviously I was wrong but I still love you. Please just don’t forget me and our times together. Love Lauren Xxx. 

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