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The story revolves around the town of Kalagarh, nestled in the west of Kerala. Surrounded by a dense forest and mountains, the town is secluded from the outside world, connected only by a 1 km long tunnel. To reach the town, one must travel through a passage flanked by forests on both sides. Kalagarh is an ethereal beauty, but it has earned a dark reputation due to the numerous disappearances in the surrounding forest. It is strictly forbidden to be outside after 8 pm alone.

Although the town is part of India, it has its own unique political system.
All the government officials are just name sake. The population of 25,000 is divided into five sections, each ruled by one of five influential families: the Sikandars, the Mikaels, the malik , the Vaniyar, and the Acharyas. The Vaniyar and Acharya families fell after their last heirs died, while the Sikandar family left town following a tragic incident that occurred ten years ago. Since then, the malik and Mikael families have taken responsibility for the three remaining sections.

A council, known as the "guardians" is formed to make decisions for the town, consisting of the heads of the five influential families. Every ten years, a mayor is elected from among the heads. Shamsher Sikander was the last elected mayor, and no elections have been held since his disappearance.

Beneath Kalagarh's ethereal beauty lie many secrets. What will happen when Noor Sikander returns? Are the heirs of the Vaniyar and Acharya families truly dead? What secrets do the town and the forest hide? And how will the political dynamics shift?

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