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Kevin drove his car through Bellwood with Gwen in the front passenger seat. Aria and a sleeping Ben were in the back. They drove in silence until Ben woke up.

"Huh? What was that?" Ben questions, sitting up.

"Relax, hero. You were asleep." Kevin tells him.

"I'm not asleep." Ben lies.

"Well, you should be. How many all-nighters did you say you pulled in a row?" Gwen asks her cousin.

"Two. Okay, three." He puts up three fingers. "Maybe four." He puts up another finger. "Anyway, I'm good for another one." He says with a yawn.

"Well, that makes one of us. I'm dropping you off, and I'm going home to my bed." Kevin tells them.

"But there's probably aliens out there. Or Forever Knights. Something." Ben says.

"Why are you so against sleeping?" Kevin wonders.

"I'm not." Ben lies. "Let's go to Mr. Smoothies." He tries to change the subject.

"Ben's been having nightmares." Aria shares with Kevin.

"Aria!" Ben looks at his girlfriend betrayed.

"Tell you what. I'll loan you a night ride. That'll keep the boogeyman away." Kevin offers.

"I'm not afraid of the dark." Ben declines.

Kevin pulls up at Ben's house. "Good. Now get out. I still gotta get your cousin home before her folks have a meltdown." Kevin tells him.

Ben exits the car, and Aria follows. "I'll stay with him in case the boogeyman attacks." Aria jokes, nudging Ben, who glared at her.

"Make sure he gets some sleep." Gwen tells her before Kevin drives off.

"Come on. Let's go inside." Aria pulls Ben, who is staring at the sky, inside. 


Aria lay asleep beside Ben, wearing one of his shirts. None of them were aware of the electrical interference happening. They were, however, awoken by electrical sparks falling on their faces.

"Huh? What?" They look up and quickly jump off the bed before it is smashed by an alien.

Aria shifts so that she's in front of Ben. Her hands glowed shimmering pink, and her pupils turned pink as she glared at the intruder. An Amperi flies at them, so Ben transforms into Jetray, but before he can yell out the entire name, both he and Aria, are tackled through the door, out a window, and onto the street.

Aria rolls over and shoots an energy bolt at the alien, causing smoke to form around it. When it cleared, the alien stood unfazed. It even laughed at her.

"Well, that didn't work." Jetray comments. "So, how about a more direct approach?" He flies at the Amperi but goes right through him as the alien goes intangible and flies into a power pole. "Where did he go?" Jetray questions.

The Amperi appears on top of the pole, absorbing the electricity and firing it at Jetray and Aria. Jetray dodges it and Aria blocks the attacks using an energy shield. Aria shifts to her elemental form and tackles the alien, crashing through fences and even igniting an explosion on accident. She then pushes it off. It shoots electricity at her but she holds her hands up to absorb it, shocking the alien.

"You're not the only one that can absorb energy." She tells it with a smirk.

Jetray tackles it into a pool. He's shot out and the alien attempts to leave but is electrocuted.

Ben 10 Ultimate AlienWhere stories live. Discover now