Chapter 5: Asteria

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The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows over the three women, who stood gazing intently at the unfamiliar figures they had stumbled upon during their ride. Their discovery, shrouded in secrecy, was kept from everyone for safety.

"Vye jous?" (Who are they?) one of the servants whispered, her voice edged with curiosity.

"Ter miec, kyo jous?" (You mean, what are they?) another replied, as if the mystery of these strangers went beyond just who they were, but what they were. Their hushed conversation continued, filled with murmurs of unease, fearing that yet another catastrophe had arrived in Haemyra.

Suddenly, the strangers stirred. Carla, Nina, and Enzo blinked open their eyes, dazed and startled by the sight of the three women. The woman who appeared to be in charge, not a mere servant, shot a stern glance at her companions.

"Kyv—" (But—) one of the servants started to speak.

"Syram." (Leave.) Her voice was commanding, firm enough to make the two women exit without further protest. The door clicked shut, and she approached the trio, exhaling deeply before addressing them.

"Are there others with you? When you entered?" Her English carried a heavy accent, making Carla, Nina, and Enzo exchange confused glances. It was Carla who spoke first, her voice shaky.

"None. It's just the three of us. But there were others before us." Carla's heart pounded as she watched the woman nod.

"I know. Your people killed hundreds of mine," the woman muttered, her voice heavy with restrained anger. Silence fell between them, the weight of guilt too thick to address.

"But I need you alive. My friend will be in grave danger if you're dead. So I need all three of you to survive," she declared, her confidence unsettling. The trio blinked in shock.

"What do you mean?" Nina asked, her voice tinged with suspicion. The woman sighed, leaning back against a nearby cabinet, as though the explanation to follow was a burden.

"My friend is responsible for bringing you here. No one else knows this—only she and I. If our people were to find out, they would execute her without hesitation. But by the grace of Goddess Haemyra, you arrived. We need you to fix the chaos my friend has caused."

Confusion spread over their faces. They glanced around the room, disoriented by the reality of their situation. This place, this world—they weren't on Earth anymore.

"Nasaan tayo? Nananaginip ba tayo?!" (Where are we? Are we dreaming?!) Enzo whispered, his panic growing, though his voice was still raised in alarm. Carla tried to remain calm, though the bewilderment was clear in her tone.

"Sa ngayon, kailangan natin makinig sakaniya, kasi wala tayong choice." (For now, we need to listen to her, because we have no choice.) Carla's voice carried a steadiness the others lacked. Nina and Enzo nodded in agreement.

Taking a deep breath, Carla turned back to the woman. "Where are we? Who are you? We are from Earth, a place—a planet called Earth. What is this place? Everything here is... different."

The woman smiled faintly, though it didn't reach her eyes. "I am Vaselyne Lynaeron, Princess of Haemyra. Right now, you stand in Haemyra, the winter side of Asteria."

Stunned silence followed. The name, the place—it all sounded like something out of a fantasy tale. The three couldn't help but feel as though they had stepped into a storybook. Everything around them felt unreal.

Without warning, Vaselyne tossed thick scarves and clothing at them. "We need to leave soon, but first, change into these. And make sure to cover your hair—it's vital. Don't let anyone see it." Her tone was grave, a warning they couldn't afford to ignore.

The three of them stood there, holding the clothes, uncertain. Vaselyne sighed in frustration. "Are you going to change, or must I wait all day?" Nina gave her a pointed look, hinting that they needed privacy. Vaselyne rolled her eyes but turned away, offering them a modicum of decency.

Awkwardly, the trio changed without looking at one another. Once done, Vaselyne approached Nina, fixing the scarf around her head and adjusting her coat.

"Your hair is showing," she muttered before guiding them out of the room.

They followed her in stunned silence, marveling at their surroundings. This was no dream. The cold air and the sight of endless ice made it painfully real. Everything was foreign, yet breathtaking. The landscape reflected a deep connection to nature, an indication of the people's reverence for their homeland.

"Lahat sila white hair?" (They all have white hair?) Enzo whispered. Nina and Carla nodded, equally perplexed.

"Baka kaya ayaw niya ipakita buhok natin." (Maybe that's why she doesn't want us to show our hair.) Nina surmised. Just then, Vaselyne shot them a cold glare.

"Stop speaking that language. If others hear you, you'll be dead," she warned in a low voice. The three nodded, falling silent.

They continued to walk, the cold biting at their skin. The world around them, though frozen, was stunning. The way the ice reflected the fading sunlight as they neared the end of the day was mesmerizing.

After hours of travel, the group finally stopped to rest, the long journey having taken its toll on Carla, Nina, and Enzo.

"Be patient. We're almost there," Vaselyne muttered, sensing their fatigue. They nodded, but soon, Enzo broke the silence again.

"Why are all your hair white?" His question made Nina and Carla cringe in embarrassment.

"Because that's our hair," Vaselyne replied curtly, causing Enzo to roll his eyes.

Carla, gathering her courage, asked a more pressing question. "You mentioned Asteria—is that the name of your world? Like Earth is ours? We come from a place called the Philippines, on Earth."

Vaselyne nodded. "Yes, Asteria is our world. Haemyra is where I'm from."

Once again, silence fell. After several more minutes of riding, the winter landscape began to fade. The chill in the air eased as they approached Myterya, where the weather felt like summer. Though the sun was setting, the warm air lingered, signaling the change in seasons.

The group dismounted as they reached the edge of a forest. Vaselyne waited, scanning the area. Moments later, a woman appeared—dark-haired and strikingly beautiful, unlike the white-haired people of Haemyra.

"Ang ganda niya. Morena din siya," (She's beautiful. And she has tanned skin too,) Enzo whispered in awe, while Nina and Carla were too stunned to speak.

Vaselyne introduced her. "This is my friend, Fayanne Pyrehelm. Faya for short. She's the one who needs your help."

Faya greeted them with a nod, and after quick introductions, she led them deeper into the forest. As they walked, the trio was hit by a peculiar scent carried on the breeze.

"May amoy na something di ko alam. Parang di ko pa naaamoy." (There's a smell I don't recognize. Something I've never smelled before.) Nina said, wrinkling her nose.

"Oo nga? Parang 'yung simoy ng hangin iba amoy." (Yeah, the air here smells different.) Carla added, equally puzzled.

Their questions were soon answered as they entered Myterya's main region. The sights and smells overwhelmed them; this place was like nothing they had ever encountered.

"This is Myterya, the island part of Asteria," Faya explained, her tone calm but laced with the weight of what lay ahead.

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