Breakaway: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Mondays suck. It’s not a theory; it’s a scientifically proven fact that has recently been supported by me.

This morning, I completely forgot that Rachel was still giving me the cold shoulder, which meant there was no chance of a ride to school. I rushed out the door with an empty stomach, 20 minutes later then I should have if I wanted to get to school on time. I rushed along the streets, running at some points to try and quicken my pace.

I made through the gates as the tardy bell and practically sprinted across the lot to my History class. I opened the door to the class, just as Mr Matheson was about to start the lesson.

I could feel the eyes of everyone on me; I even saw some mouths open in shock. In the last three and a half years I had never once been late to class.

Mr Matheson eyed my critically, his brown eyes much colder then has ever been directed at me, “Though this is your first infraction, I have zero tolerance for tardiness,” he said, crossing is arms across his chest.

“I understand sir,” I said with a nod.

“You will serve detention with me this afternoon.”

“Yes sir,” I said with a nod, before scanning the room for an empty seat.

I immediately see Jesse waving me over to an empty seat beside him. How he managed to save it, I don’t know, but I’m extremely grateful.

I smiled at Jesse as I sat down before mouthing ‘thank you,’ at him.

He smiled and whispered, “You’re welcome,” under his breath.

I turned my attention back to Mr Matheson, and tried to ignore Jesse’s presence beside me by taking copious amounts of notes. I knew I would probably only need about a quarter of the information for the up coming test on the French revelation, but it was the only distraction I had.

When the bell rang, Mr Matheson called for me to stay just as I was about to walk out the door. I took a deep breath, before turning around and walking back to him. “Yes sir?”

“You’re the best student in the class Vanessa, and you have never been late before,” he stated.

I nodded at his assessment.

“I want you to come and serve your time this afternoon, but I will not record it. We can’t have your perfect record tarnished now can we?” he asked, one eyebrow raising to meat the line of his slightly greying black hair.

“No we can’t,” I said with a small smile.

He nodded his head in the direction of the door in dismissal. I turned on my heal and rushed out of the room toward AP Calc. with Miss Stewart, determined not to be late for my second class in a row.

By the time lunch came around, my stomach was growling due to the lack of food intake since dinner last night. I lined for food and grabbed my self a meat lover’s pizza and an orange juice.

I was about to go sit outside when Jesse appeared in front of me. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“To go eat,” I said, my stomach growled seconds later as if to emphasise my point.

Jesse laughed at my stomach while I huffed in annoyance. “You’re coming to sit with me.”

He pushed me towards whatever table it was that he was sitting at today. As we got closer I realised that it was the table that Rachel, Brittany, Ryan and other Jocks all sat at.

“Jesse, this is a very bad idea,” I said, as he practically pushed me towards the table.

“It’ll be fine,” he said off handily, before sitting down next to Brittany, and patting the seat next to him, motioning for me to take a seat.

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