Routines for the Hunters of Artemis

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Luna: Sooooo, let's get started! 😏

1. 5:00 AM – Dawn Patrol

As the sun peeks over the horizon, Hunters like Phoebe and Lyra kick off the day with a stealthy patrol. They tiptoe through the forest, practicing their silent footfalls—until Thalia steps on a twig, causing a chorus of exaggerated gasps. "Who knew wood could be so... snap happy?" she quips.

2. 6:00 AM – Morning Meditation
After the patrol, the group settles for some much-needed zen time. Sitting cross-legged under the open sky, they channel their inner strength—until Cassandra's stomach growls loudly. "Meditation fails 101: when your stomach sounds like a monster!" everyone laughs, breaking the serene mood.

3. 7:00 AM – Training Sessions
Next comes training. The sound of arrows zipping through the air fills the clearing as Daphne and Eris compete for the best shot. "I bet you can't hit that target without closing one eye!" Eris challenges. The result? A spectacularly off-target shot right into a tree. "Hey, I think that tree just gave me a dirty look!" Daphne teases.

4. 8:00 AM – Breakfast
Breakfast is a communal affair, featuring fresh fruits and nuts. While they try to keep it healthy, Moon always shows up with a stash of cookies. "What? These are training snacks—for moral support!" The others roll their eyes but quickly help devour them, because who can resist cookies? But errr... Artemis made a special exception. Unless your Moon don't bring cookies.

5. 9:00 AM – Mission Planning
Gathered around a makeshift map, the Hunters strategize their next monster hunt. "Remember, if it roars, it's probably hungry. If it growls, it's definitely hungry. If it's just staring at us... let's run!" I will declare. The planning sessions are filled with exaggerated monster impressions, leading to fits of laughter.

6. 1:00 PM – Afternoon Hunts
On their afternoon hunts, stealth is key. But Aria can't resist cracking jokes mid-sneak. "Why did the monster break up with his girlfriend? Because she found him too scary! Get it?" Cue groans and the occasional snicker as they try to focus on their mission.

7. 7:00 PM – Evening Reflection
After a successful hunt, the group gathers around the campfire to share tales. Kira dramatically recounts how she "faced a three-headed hydra," while others chime in, "You mean the three-headed dog you tripped over?" Laughter fills the air as they compare battle scars—real or imagined.

8. 9:00 PM – Night Watch
As darkness falls, the Hunters take their watch shifts. The night is quiet—until Nia launches into an imaginative ghost story involving a vengeful squirrel. "I swear, it was wearing a tiny cape!" Snickers erupt, making it hard for anyone to keep a straight face while pretending to stay alert.

9. 11:00 PM – Bedtime
Finally, it's lights out. As they snuggle into their sleeping bags, Tessa insists on serenading the group with a lullaby. "Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite... or else I'll send the squirrels after you!" Everyone groans but can't help but smile as they drift off, knowing tomorrow will bring even more adventures.

And that's it!

Moon: Oh thank the gods!

Nia: YES!!!! You finally put me into the routines! It only took you a millennia!

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