Chapter 12

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It's been one year, today, ever since Matty and I started dating. My parents still don't know, which is a good and bad thing.

It's good because they still love me and they aren't mad or anything. They would hate me if they knew.

And it's a bad thing because I'm hurt by this guilt all the time. But I refuse to let them know.

Anyways, during this past year, Lily has been dating George. George is Matty's best friend. They're really close to each other. But, they aren't like one of those couples that are clingy to each other 24/7. 7 days a week, 365 days. But my point is, is that, they are a great couple.

I wish Matty and I were like them. I mean, Matty is the best and I love him with all my heart but we get into arguments all the time. We make up right after but the fights are annoying.

For our one year anniversary, Matty, Lily, George and I are going to a bar to celebrate. Next week is Lily and George's anniversary.

I tug on Matty's sleeve before we follow Lily and George in the bar. "What is it?" he asks alarmed. "Can we talk for a second?" I ask loudly over the loud music. He thinks about it for a second before nodding and heading outside with me.

"What?" he asks as he folds his arms. "Can we try to not fight tonight?" I raise my eyebrows. "Okay? You didn't have to pull me outside to ask me that" he rolls his eyes and heads back inside but I pull him back out. "Matty. We fight all the time without trying. I just want us to try and not fight" I say.

He nods and walks inside. I sigh loudly. He finds and walks over to them before me. "Where were you guys?" Lily asks. "We were just outside-"

"Having a pointless conversation" Matty cuts in before I could finish my sentence. I give him a glare which he gave back.


Hours later, a drunk Lily and George with a sober me and a sober, yet angry looking Matty. "Guess what you guys" Lily says. "What, Lily" I ask, not too happily. "Look over there" she points lazily into a direction. "Don't point! He might see!" I yell at Lily. "Lily!" Matty yells.

"Finn!" Lily yells. "Finn! Come here!" Lily yells. And on cue, Finn walks over here with a lazy smile. "Siera!" a drunken Finn says happily. "Finn" I fake smile. He wraps his arms around my neck loosely. The smell of booze lingers around me for a bit after he hugs me with a big kiss on my cheek. "Back off" Matty pushes Finn back lightly.

"I wanna make a deal with you mister" Finn presses his finger on Matty's chest harshly. "You break up with Siera and let me have her or I tell her parents that you two are dating" he chuckles. "Yeah. I know everything. That her parents don't know. So why don't you make this easier for yourself and her and hand her over" Finn finishes.

I look back at Matty for his response. Would he really give me up just like that?

"No" Matty finally says. "Excuse me?" Finn asks. "No. I'm not giving up my girl. I love her. I love her too much to let her go" that leaves a smile on my face.

"Your making a mistake, buddy" Finn turns around and heads for the door. But Matty goes after him. I watch as he taps on Finn's shoulder. Finn turns around and there it happens. Matty starts his punches on Finn.

Finn drops down to the floor, Matty gets on top of him and continues beating up Finn. Then Finn gets back up and punches Matty. "Stop!" I yell on and on. Nobody listens to me so I'm standing there-in front of Matty and Finn beating each other up. Or just seeing Finn getting beaten up.

"Stop Matty!" I try to get them off of each other but Matty pushes me back. Someone helps me up. Then someone in the crowd yells "call the cops!" and someone does.

10 minutes later, the cops come. When they break it up, I could see how badly hurt Finn is. A huge cut just above his eye has blood pouring out, a clearly broken nose, busted lips, blood everywhere.

Just two badly hurt hands for Matty. That's all.

"Wait! I have to see my girlfriend! Siera!" Matty yells. I walk straight over to him. "Why did you do this?" I ask him. "I thought I was protecting you" his head hangs low. "Don't protect me then"

He's taken away. To jail, to prison, to somewhere.

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