Chapter 17

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### Chapter 17: Zade’s World

The journey from the auction house to Zade’s estate felt like a blur. Adira was numb, her mind reeling from the fact that she had been sold. The cold, impersonal way in which her life had been bargained for was almost too much to process. She sat silently in the back of the sleek black car, her wrists still bound, her heart thudding in her chest as they drove through the darkened city.

Zade sat beside her, his presence looming large and intimidating. He hadn’t said a word to her since they’d left the auction house, but the tension between them was suffocating. She could feel his eyes on her, studying her, assessing her, but she refused to meet his gaze. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

As the car pulled up to the gates of a sprawling estate, Adira’s stomach twisted with dread. The high iron gates swung open, revealing a long, winding driveway that led to a massive stone mansion, its dark silhouette looming against the night sky. The sight of it only deepened the knot of fear in her chest.

The car came to a stop in front of the grand entrance, and Zade stepped out, motioning for her to follow. A guard pulled her out of the car, his grip rough as he shoved her forward. Her legs were weak, but she forced herself to stand tall, refusing to show any sign of fear or weakness.

The front doors opened as they approached, revealing a grand foyer with marble floors and tall, sweeping staircases. The opulence of the place made Adira’s stomach churn. It was a stark contrast to the horrors she had just endured, and the sick irony of it all wasn’t lost on her.

Zade led her through the foyer and up a grand staircase, his pace steady and unhurried. He seemed to move with the confidence of a man who was used to getting exactly what he wanted, and that thought only made Adira’s blood boil.

When they reached the top of the staircase, Zade opened a door to a large, lavish room. The walls were lined with expensive paintings, and the furniture looked like it had been plucked from a palace. But Adira’s eyes were drawn to the heavy iron bars on the windows and the lock on the outside of the door. It wasn’t a room—it was a prison.

“This is where you’ll stay,” Zade said, his voice cold and commanding.

Adira turned to face him, her eyes narrowing with defiance. “What do you want from me?” she demanded, her voice shaking but firm.

Zade’s gaze was steady, unblinking. “I want your obedience,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Adira clenched her fists, her anger flaring. “You’ll never have that.”

Zade’s lips curled into a cold, almost amused smile. “We’ll see about that.”

Before she could respond, Zade turned on his heel and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. The sound of the lock clicking into place sent a wave of panic through her, but she forced herself to stay calm. She wasn’t going to let him break her. Not yet.

Adira collapsed onto the bed, her body trembling with exhaustion and fear. The room around her felt like it was closing in, suffocating her, but she knew she couldn’t afford to let the despair take over. She had to stay strong, had to find a way out of this nightmare.

Her thoughts raced as she lay there, trying to piece together a plan, but every scenario seemed hopeless. The mansion was a fortress, the guards were everywhere, and Zade was clearly a man who held all the power. But Adira knew one thing for sure—she wasn’t going to give up.

Not yet.


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