Blitzfire: blitz fire the fox is an animatronic designed to be a lit up during the night and as well as to be one of the most horrifying animatronics yet because he looks like to be fire this fire animatronic way to roam the halls with his flames in tow almost like a grim foxy but instead he doesn't look like a grim Fox but he always has that elemental power of being a pirate on the seas this animatronics endoskeleton is a thermal which means that the heat inside of it will glow and it's also specialized to actually handle its heat form up to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit but that's not all the endoskeleton is purposely built like that to withstand the 500 degrees Fahrenheit within the outdoors however the flames were either 300 or 200 depending where you're at if it wasn't a restaurant it would be 100 or 150 for outside 300 to 200 but other than that he's not actually supposed to be maintained as much but if maintenance happens on this animatronic please listen to the following instructions
Maintenance instructions
1. Activate the cooling system to 20 or 10°. So that way you can actually have thermal access to the endoskeleton once you remove the head2. Start cooling to torso from 100° decreasing it down all the way down to 10 the endoskeleton is thermal and we need to make sure it's not overheated after it's cooled down towards the 10 degrees make sure you open up the chest cavity from there you need to look at the other parts that need to be cooling
3. Start calling the legs all the way down to 20° so that way you could also check if there's any fluid problems if there are any this is actually a daily thing so make sure you take step 3 very seriously that's where the mechanics are
4. Make sure to look over the inspection before doing any fluids the fluids of May cool down during this process if they froze make sure you actually get hot water and make sure you boil it up to about 500° f and dump it inside the hydraulic tanks and then you need to drain the fluids from the endoskeleton itself we cannot have any liquids freeze or else the animatronic won't work
5. And then start with the opposite of where you started after doing the inspections and as well as the checking over the feet and legs start by heating up the oil to its starting position of 10° to 30
6. Then check the torso to make sure it's working properly you should do this in cold position to make sure none of the liquids have indeed Frozen then shut the chest cavity like so lock it in and secure it and then activate the heat lines to 10 to 20
7. Inspector had both endo and mask to make sure there's no wear and tear if there is repair it immediately and then start the Endo head of 10° above where you had the maintenance recommendation level at and then put the head on and then you just fix the animatronic with ease
End of maintenance task
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Randomthis just a fnaf oc thing ham afton is not a part of the fnaf lore and spring data owned by data