1. Something Mysterious about Nathan Johnson

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Glasgow (Present days)


People say to me that life shuts one door just to open another for you, and that's an analogy for opportunity.

That's what I got once I returned home one year ago. I was dismissed by Jace from the training program back in North Carolina just because I was diagnosed with a chronic heart disease. As I predicted, mom called me worthless and lazy, and accused me of lying about the diagnosis even though I had the papers doctors gave me once I left the hospital proving I couldn't be part of the program.

My sisters cackled as my mom continuously threw offenses at my face. Jenna and Lina were my older twin sisters who made sure my life was hateful and torturous since I was little. They were high-ranked, mated to Jace's cousins from his father's side of the family, a fact that Jenna showed off every single day.

At that time I could be hopeless. I had nothing back then. My mate didn't want me, my mother didn't want me, my sisters bullied me, and I had no future at sight. And to make things worse, I was miserably sad and depressed and feeling useless.

That was when an ad was sent to my email, announcing that Glasgow University was open to applications from international students and I saw an opportunity there. What motivated me was the idea of leaving North Carolina, so I studied day and night to pass the exams when, one day, I got an acceptance letter from the college congratulating me for succeeding the tests.

I didn't wait to pack my bags and leave North Carolina. I had a little money that I saved from the training program and used it to buy plane tickets to Scotland without telling anyone. No one would care about the absence of the low-ranked girl anyways and I bet Jace noticed it. I knew for sure that mom would thank the gods for not having to feed another mouth.

So I flew all the way from Durham to Glasgow with one small backpack.

My plan was to rent a small house thirty minutes from the college grounds, that would be cheaper than living at the campus. Meanwhile, I would find a job in the city to pay the bills and buy food. For one year I lived this way but now I share the house with a small Scottish human girl named Lily Carol.

Sharing the rent was an enormous help for me. I could save a little money to buy books, and other stuff that I like. With the salary I had working as a waitress, I couldn't do much but at least I provided a comfortable life for myself with some bonuses.

Lily was also a friend of mine. She was funny and everything I always required to see in a friend. Correction: I never had a friend before her.

Back at Light Winters pack, everyone was my colleague and nothing else. We had no time to build friendships, and if someone did, the generals would separate the two friends because 'having fun is against discipline'. That was Jace's order.

Looking back at my old life now I see how lucky I was to be dismissed from the training program. I wouldn't be living in Scotland if Jace wasn't an asshole with me, which also means I would be tied to a life full of misery with my two brainless sisters.

"Life is full of surprises," Lily said, one morning before my classes.

We were at home preparing breakfast and getting ready for the day.

"Agreed," I answered, adding cream to my coffee and sipping it.

It was an average morning. My mind was filled with worries about the final exams. Outside the small apartment, I could see the green grass peppered with dry orange leaves, a scenario that I have always found beautiful since I first arrived in Scotland and I never get tired of it.

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