Part 1

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Dear Mom and Dad,

As I sit here in the quiet of my room, the last rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, casting long shadows that seem to stretch into the corners of my mind. I know this letter is my last chance to express everything I've kept bottled up for so long. Please don't be angry or feel guilty; I hope you can understand my perspective.

It's strange, isn't it? How one night can encapsulate everything you feel, like a single drop of water that reflects the vastness of an ocean. Tonight, as I prepare for what I believe to be my last night, I can't help but think of you both—the people who've always fought so hard to provide me with the best, to shield me from the world's harshness. Mom, your strength as Secretary of State has inspired so many, but I wish I could have learned from your resilience. And Dad, your teachings on ethics and morality have always felt like a code I could never quite decipher. I've struggled to understand why I can't seem to find the same purpose in my life that you both have.

I often feel like a ghost in my own existence, drifting through the days, haunted by thoughts that swirl like leaves caught in an autumn wind. The weight of my mental health issues is heavy, and I've tried to communicate the darkness to you, but words have always failed me. I've seen the worry in your eyes, Mom, when you thought I wasn't looking. Dad, you've offered endless encouragement, but it feels as if I'm running a race I can never finish.

Tonight, the pain feels insurmountable. I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, but the truth is, it hasn't been okay for a long time. I'm tired of fighting, tired of feeling like I'm dragging you down with me. You've sacrificed so much to give me a life filled with opportunities, and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting it.

Please remember me not as the troubled daughter but as the girl who loved to dance in the rain, who found joy in the little things—a soft breeze, a good book, the laughter of friends. I wish I could hold on to those moments longer, but they slip through my fingers like sand.

If you ever doubt your impact on my life, know that you both have given me more love than I could ever ask for. In a world that feels cold and unforgiving, your warmth has been a refuge. But I have reached a point where I can no longer fight the storm inside me.

This is not goodbye in the traditional sense. I want you to know that my decision isn't a reflection of your love or failure. You are incredible parents, and I hope you can find peace in that. Please forgive me for the heartache I will leave behind. I hope that one day you can remember the laughter we shared, the dreams we spoke of, and the love that was always there, even in the darkest times.

My last night is a tragedy not because of the end, but because I couldn't find a way to continue living in a world that felt so bleak. I hope you can honor my memory by continuing to fight for those who struggle, just as I fought for my own light.

With all my love,



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