Part 10

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Elizabeth's world spun as she came to, the dim light of a bare bulb flickering overhead. Pain coursed through her body, and she blinked against the brightness, struggling to gather her thoughts. Where am I?The memories rushed back in fragments—an accident, the chaos, masked figures pulling her from the wreckage. She could still hear the screech of tires and the crash that had shattered the evening air. But now, she was in a small, dark room, tied to a chair, her wrists raw from the tight bindings.Around her, shadows shifted, and she felt the weight of eyes watching her. Her heart raced as she took stock of her surroundings: concrete walls, a single door, and a table cluttered with various tools. Fear gripped her, but she forced herself to breathe deeply. She had faced challenges before, and she had to remain strong for her four children—Stevie, Avery, Alison, and Jason—and for Henry, her husband, the rock of her family.The door swung open, and two figures stepped inside, their faces obscured by masks. The taller one moved closer, a menacing presence that made her stomach churn. "You're awake," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "Good. We have some questions for you."Elizabeth clenched her jaw, determination flooding her veins. "I won't tell you anything," she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt.The man chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "Oh, we'll see about that. You have information we want, and you'll talk one way or another."He stepped back, signaling to the other figure, who approached the table and picked up a small device—something that looked like a cattle prod. Elizabeth's heart raced as he turned it on, a crackling sound filling the room."Stop!" she shouted, her voice hoarse but fierce. "You'll never get what you want from me!"They exchanged glances, and the taller one leaned in closer, his breath hot against her face. "You don't understand, Secretary. We know your connections. We know what you've been working on. And we will make you talk."Elizabeth steeled herself. They might have her physically, but she would not give in mentally. She thought of her children—Stevie with her fierce spirit, Avery with her determination, Alison's bright laughter, and Jason's boundless energy—and Henry, always there to support her. They needed her, and she couldn't let them down.The man with the device moved closer, raising it ominously. "Let's start with something simple. Who are your contacts regarding the Middle Eastern negotiations?"She held his gaze, refusing to blink. "I won't say a word."He pressed the device against her arm, and electricity shot through her, a jolt that made her scream. Pain radiated through her body, but she gritted her teeth, focusing on the faces of her family in her mind, willing herself to endure."Just wait," the tall man said, watching her struggle with a twisted satisfaction. "We have all the time in the world."As they continued their interrogation, Elizabeth tried to think strategically. She knew the protocols that would keep her family safe. If she could stall, buy time, maybe she could find a way out of this."How do you think this ends?" she said, her voice shaking but defiant. "You'll never get away with this. The government is already looking for me."The man's expression darkened. "We don't care about the government. We care about your information. And if you keep resisting, things are going to get a lot worse for you."They took turns, alternating between physical pain and psychological games, trying to chip away at her resolve. But as each minute passed, Elizabeth found herself growing more determined. She reminded herself of the strength she had drawn from her family and the values they had instilled in her. Hours felt like days as the torment continued. At one point, her thoughts wandered to her children and husband. She envisioned Stevie, always ready to fight for what was right. Avery, with her fierce determination lighting up any room. Alison, who brought laughter into their lives with her innocent joy. Jason, full of energy and mischief, always looking out for his siblings. And Henry, the anchor of their family, who would move mountains to protect them. They were counting on her.Suddenly, the door swung open again, and a different figure stepped in—this one more authoritative, exuding an aura of control. He surveyed the room, his gaze settling on Elizabeth. "Leave us," he commanded the  they stepped back, the new figure approached, his eyes narrowing. "You're tougher than I expected. But that won't save you. You need to understand the stakes here."Elizabeth lifted her chin defiantly, not showing any weakness. "You think I'll betray my country? You think I'll betray my family? You don't know me at all."He smirked, leaning closer. "Oh, I know you. I know everything about you, Secretary. And I know exactly what you're capable of. But everyone has a breaking point."As he spoke, Elizabeth's mind raced. She had to find a way out of this. If she could buy enough time, if she could keep her wits about her, perhaps her team would locate her. Perhaps Henry and the kids would find a way to rescue her."Your threats mean nothing to me," she said, the fire in her voice steady despite the pain. "You'll never win this."The man straightened, visibly annoyed. "We'll see about that. I suggest you start reconsidering your options."As he turned to leave, Elizabeth felt a flicker of hope. She wouldn't break. She couldn't. And somehow, she would find a way to escape this nightmare—if not for herself, then for Stevie, Avery, Alison, Jason, and Henry. They needed her, and she would do whatever it took to come back to them.


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