Part 11

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Henry sat in the dimly lit living room, his heart heavy as he glanced at the clock. Twelve hours had passed since Elizabeth was taken, and with every tick, the weight of dread pressed down harder. He could feel the tension radiating off his children, each of them wrestling with their own fears and uncertainties.Stevie paced the room, her brows furrowed in frustration. Avery sat on the couch, her eyes glued to her phone, refreshing the news feed as if that would somehow bring their mother back. Alison fidgeted nervously with her hands, while Jason played quietly in the corner, his subdued voice only highlighting the gravity of the situation."Dad, they have to find her soon, right?" Avery finally broke the silence, her voice trembling.Henry took a deep breath, forcing a calmness he didn't feel. "They're doing everything they can, sweetheart. You know the government has teams working on this.""But it's been so long," Stevie interjected, crossing her arms tightly. "What if... what if something happened to her?""Don't say that," Henry snapped, the fear bubbling to the surface. He quickly softened his tone, trying to rein in the anxiety that threatened to overtake him. "I'm sorry. I just... we have to stay hopeful."Jason looked up, his wide eyes searching Henry's face. "Is Mom going to be okay?"Henry felt his heart clench. "Of course she is, buddy. Mom is strong. She's always been strong."Alison sat on the edge of the couch, her small hand reaching for his. "I want her to come back. I miss her.""I know, sweetheart. I miss her too," he said, squeezing her hand. The truth was, he felt utterly helpless. He had always prided himself on being the protector, the one who kept his family safe. But now, with Elizabeth missing, he felt like he was failing them all.The phone rang, breaking the tense silence. Henry shot up, racing to answer it. "Hello?""Mr. Langston, this is Agent Mitchell from the FBI. I wanted to provide you with an update," the voice on the other end said.Henry's heart raced. "What do you have? Is there news about Elizabeth?""We're still following leads, but I must stress that we have not yet located her. We're working around the clock to gather intel. However, President Dalton has ordered that all information regarding this case remain confidential. You cannot go to the media."Henry felt a surge of frustration. "Confidential? My wife is missing! We need to do something!""I understand, but this is a national security issue. We cannot risk jeopardizing the operation by going public," Agent Mitchell replied, his tone steady but firm.Henry hung up, feeling a wave of despair wash over him. He turned to face his children, who were all watching him intently. "They don't have her yet," he said, forcing a brave face. "But they're still looking. And we can't go to the media.""Why not?" Stevie exclaimed, her voice edged with desperation. "We need to spread the word!""We need to trust the people who are handling this," Henry insisted, though he felt the cracks in his resolve. "It's not easy, but we have to follow the protocol."Alison's face fell. "But we can't just sit here and do nothing!""I know," Henry said, kneeling to meet her eyes. "But right now, the best thing we can do is stay strong. Mom is going to need us to hold it together."Stevie shook her head, frustration spilling over. "We can't just wait around! What if something happens to her while we're sitting here?"Henry felt the weight of her words. "I know it's hard, but we need to give them a chance to work. They're trained for this."Avery stood, her expression resolute. "Then let's do something that keeps us busy. We can organize our thoughts, maybe create something positive that honors her.""Like what?" Jason asked, looking hopeful."We can write letters," Avery suggested. "To Mom. We can tell her how much we miss her, how strong we believe she is."Henry felt a rush of warmth at Avery's idea. "That's a great idea. Let's do that."As they settled down to write, the atmosphere shifted slightly. Each child took a piece of paper, pouring their feelings onto the page. Henry watched as they expressed their love for Elizabeth, the strength she embodied, and their hopes for her safe return. After they finished, the room felt a little lighter, as if their words had forged a connection that transcended the dark uncertainty outside. Henry leaned against the wall, silently promising Elizabeth that he would do everything in his power to bring their family back together again. They needed her, and he wouldn't stop fighting until she was safely in their arms.


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