Part 7

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As the credits rolled on "Zombeavers," the room erupted in laughter. Avery leaned back on the couch, her sides aching from the ridiculousness of it all. Elizabeth chuckled, shaking her head. "I can't believe I just watched that," she said, wiping away a tear of laughter.Stevie grinned. "You loved it! Admit it! You're secretly a fan of killer beavers."Avery felt a warmth in her chest, the bond with her family strengthening with every shared joke. The earlier worries about her mom and her own struggles felt lighter, at least for now."Okay, you're right," Elizabeth conceded, a smile playing on her lips. "It was oddly entertaining. But I think we might need a palate cleanser after that.""Let's find something inspirational next!" Stevie suggested. "Something to remind us that we're not alone in our craziness."Avery nodded, still basking in the laughter. "I could use that. But first, I need to check my phone." She picked it up, her heart fluttering as she glanced at the screen."Everything okay?" Elizabeth asked, noticing the shift in Avery's demeanor."Just checking for messages," Avery replied, trying to sound nonchalant.But there were no new notifications, and the brief moment of hope quickly faded. Sensing her daughter's change in mood, Elizabeth leaned closer. "You know, if there's anything else on your mind, you can talk to me."Avery hesitated, the shadows of doubt creeping back in. "I just... I don't want to worry you again.""You're not a burden," Elizabeth said firmly. "Your feelings matter. I want to support you, just like we're all doing right now."Avery took a deep breath, feeling the sincerity in her mom's words. "I guess I'm just worried about everything. School, my mental health, and now... even after tonight, I still feel like I'm fighting."Stevie interjected softly, "It's okay to feel that way. We've all had our battles. Just remember, you don't have to fight them alone. We're here, and we'll keep showing up."Avery felt a swell of emotion as she looked at her family. "Thank you for being so supportive. I really needed tonight."Just then, Elizabeth's phone buzzed again, and she glanced at the screen. "Sorry, I need to take this call," she said, standing up. "But I'll be right back."Avery watched as her mom stepped into the hallway, and she turned to Stevie. "Do you really think I can get through this?""Absolutely," Stevie said with conviction. "We'll take it one step at a time. You're stronger than you realize, and with us beside you, there's no way you can't make it."Avery smiled, feeling the warmth of her sister's words. "You know, you really are the best.""Only because I have the best sister," Stevie replied, nudging her playfully.When Elizabeth returned, she looked more composed but still a bit weary. "Okay, where were we? Time for some inspiration?"Stevie quickly pulled up a movie suggestion. "How about something uplifting? I heard great things about 'The Pursuit of Happiness.'""Perfect choice," Elizabeth said, settling back on the couch. "Let's do it."As the movie started, Avery felt a sense of calm wash over her. The story of resilience and determination mirrored her own journey, and for the first time, she felt a flicker of hope—a belief that maybe, just maybe, she could find her way through the shadows.The sound of laughter, encouragement, and heartfelt moments filled the room, and Avery realized that no matter how dark it got, she had her family to guide her toward the light. In that cozy living room, surrounded by love, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


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