Day 1 - Emerald

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Eiji didn't like that look on Ash's face. He always made that expression when he stood in front of the mirror and saw his reflection. Eiji was sure that what Ash saw in the mirror and what he saw were entirely different versions of Ash.

Ash's eyes darkened every time he saw his reflection, the green color diminishing and turning dull. When seeing this change in Ash, Eiji couldn't help but hug him from behind and hold him close to remind him that the version of himself he saw wasn't the truth. It was an illusion created by people who called him a monster, a devil, a killing machine. Ash had heard hostile rumors and vicious and cruel terms for him for so long that he started believing them eventually. Eiji saw in his posture, his narrowing eyes, and the frown on his forehead that he saw something dark, twisted, and evil while he saw a handsome boy with hair as bright as the sun and eyes shimmering like emeralds.

"Eiji, why do you always do that?"

Ash's question woke Eiji up from his own thoughts.

"Doing what?" Eiji asked with an innocent smile without loosening the arms around his waist while Ash's head turned around to him. Eiji looked a bit upwards to see Ash's curious glance.

Now, his eyes had lit up again, the darkness entirely gone. As always, he wondered if he had imagined the darkness in his eyes. However, he had watched that change in him nearly every day, always when he dressed for the day and tried to smooth down his messy hair in front of the mirror. Still, he was happy that the light returned to his eyes as soon as he looked at him again.

"Eiji, you know exactly what I mean. You always hug me when I stand in front of the mirror. You have a reason to do that, right?"

"Yes, I want to remind you that the image you see of yourself in the mirror is wrong."
Ash's lips curved up, but it wasn't a smile but a dark smirk. "Maybe your version of me is wrong, and you just see what you want to see?"

Eiji ended the hug, got on his tiptoes, and put his arms around his neck from behind.

"No, I know that what I see is the truth. Don't you remember that I've never been afraid of you, even though I knew you were a gang leader with a dangerous reputation?"

Ash chuckled. "Yes, I do remember that. I'll never forget how you walked up to me as if I were your neighbor next door and asked for my gun. It was so daring, dumb, and naïve at the same time that it was a refreshing change."

"Excuse me for being stupid and naïve then, Eiji said, shoving his lower lip upwards into a pout. Ash grinned and added, "I know it didn't sound that way, but it was a compliment. You talked to me like no one dared to, and the first thing you did was ask for consent. You asked me for permission to see my gun. In my world, no one has ever asked me for my consent. That's why your approach amazed me."

"I approached you because I saw pure loneliness, tremendous hurt, and pain in your intense look. So, I wanted to learn more about you. I usually see more in people than other people do. So, I know that what I see in your reflection is your true self, not the mask you allow the rest of the world to see."

"Eiji, please answer me this honestly. What do you see in the mirror? In my reflection?"

"I see a handsome young man with blonde hair that shines golden if the sun falls on it—and beautiful green eyes that sparkle like emeralds in the sun or if you're smiling genuinely. There's a darkness lingering in them, but it disappears when you look at me. You're still hurting, but you founded a gang to protect yourself and the ones you love. You gave people in your world a family and a home. You're someone who'd give his life for others in a heartbeat because, despite all your hardships and terrifying experiences, you've never lost your humanity and treat people with kindness and compassion."

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