Chapter 2

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Harper started hugging Shawn 5 minutes ago, and they are still there. "Um Harp," Harper. "Let him go maybe."

"Oh right, I am so sorry," Harper says as she steps away.

"Hey it's alright I understand," Shawn laughs. "Do you guys want something to eat?"

"Yeah sure, come on Harp," Victoria pulls Harper behind her as she follows Shawn into his kitchen. "You guys are the neighbors I'm eating with tonight?"

"Well I am the family, this is my best friend Victoria, but she lives with me because her parents travel around the world, so I guess you could say both of us. But-"

"Harper, calm yourself, but yes we're the neighbors," Victoria interjects into Harper's sentence.

"I was going to say that," Harper glares.

"Get over yourself," Victoria growls.

"You guys sure you're best friends?" Shawn asks as the two stare each other down.

"Positive," the two chorus as they turn towards Shawn.

"Uh, okay, so we have some blueberry and chocolate chip muffins, which would you like?" Shawn says, smirking like he was testing us.

"That's the real question in life isn't it, Victoria?" Harper says.

"Indeed, my dear friend," Victoria replies. Shawn smiles and places a plate of muffins onto the counter. "One for each," he smiles.

"What you get the rest?" Victoria asks suggestively.

"Duh," he responds like the most obvious answer ever.

"Whatever, but since me and Vic have to do something before the dinner-"

"She means we're busy today because we have some editing to do today on a video we made and we're also going shopping. But you can come to the mall with us," Victoria says.

"Please stop interrupting me!" Harper yells.

"But you're rambling," Victoria groans.

"Ummm, you two okay?"

"We're fine," Harper replies. "Okay, anyway, we'll call you, so here are our numbers," Harper takes Shawn's hand, scribbles out the two girls' numbers, and places it back in its place. "We're gonna go," Harper says as she gets up heading towards the door. "Crap! Vic can you get Shawn's number?"

"I gotchu," Vic calls back. After getting his number she runs out the door, to Harper.

As the day went on, Shawn watchs the two girls through the window, not like a creep, but just how they work and laugh as he plays his guitar. Neither of the girls seemed to notice him so he spent his time thinking to himself. Halfway through one of his songs, his phone rang. Picking it up Harper sputters a "Hello!"

"Hey, Harper, what's up?"

"We're just changing to go to the mall. We'll stop by your place okay?" Harper informs him.

"Yeah that's okay, I'll get my jacket and shoes." Shawn hangs up and runs down the stairs. "Hoodie, ummm where did I put that?"

"Shawn your 'OBEY' hoodie is on the door hanger. And your shoes are next to the door as well," his mom calls to him.

"What the.. Whatever thanks Mom!"

Shawn throws on his hoodie and shoes just as the doorbell rings. He opens the door to Victoria and Harper talking quietly about something. "Uh no," Harper says obviously.

"Why not?" Victoria growls.

"Why not what?" Shawn asks cluelessly.

"Nothing, nothing it's fine we'll sort it out later," Vic replies. She waves him out the door. The trio walk down the sidewalk, towards the mall. "Um, what are you guys doing at the mall?" Shawn asks.

"We have to buy dresses for this formal at school, its for homecoming," Harper says.

"You guys are going by choice?" Shawn asks, they didn't seem like homecoming people.

"Yeah no. We're going by Harper's mom's demands. I'd bash my head into a wall before I'd go to a dressy school event," Victoria says.

"That's something violent," Shawn claims. The two girls nod at him agreeing. The girls are quite violent.

Around half an hour later they arrive at the mall. No girls seemed to mob Shawn so the three are able to walk in with no problems. "What store are we starting at?" Harper asks.

"I don't know. I don't buy dresses on a regular basis. It's leggings, jeans, and shorts. No dresses or skirts. Those things give me nightmares," Vic shivers in disgust.

"Do you know any cloth stores that have nice dresses, Shawn? My best friend is absolutely useless," Harper pushes Vic over and looks up at Shawn.

"Uh no, but I can recommend Forever 21 and Francesca's. That's where my mom goes," replies Shawn. Harper smiles at him. "Okay, so Shawn you can come with us, or go do something else, it's up to you," Vic says, linking arms with Harper. Harper holds her arm out for Shawn. "I'll go with you guys, it'll be better," he tells Vic. Victoria smiles and drags the two behind her.

"Walking has never been so irritating," Harper groans.

"Yeah well you guys walk too slow, so this is faster, isn't it?" Vic replies.

"I don't know, isn't Shawn, no offense, weighing us down?" Harper asks. Shawn puts his hand to his chest, faking hurt. Vic gives him a look and he burst out laughing. "God you guys are great," he smiles. The duo smiles back at him.

After finally arriving at Francesca's, Vic instructs Shawn to sit as the girls run off to look for dresses. "Am I just going to sit here?" he asks himself.

"Yeah probably," a guy next to him says.

"How would you know?" Shawn asks.

"Because my girlfriend and her friend told me to sit, so they can look at the clothes and that was two hours ago. So, yes they will either show you what they are wearing, show each other, or.. well I haven't figured out what the last one is, but there is another option," the teen says.

"Um, okay." Shawn looks away from him and over to the changing rooms where two girls seemed to be sharing one. 'Probably Vic and Harper,' he thinks to himself. And sure enough he was right because a few seconds later the two jump out, in front of Shawn, giggling and laughing. "No?" Vic asks.

"I think you two can find something better. Not that it looks bad but I see some dresses on the rack that look better," Shawn winks at the two. They run off once again, leaving Shawn behind. Running back with 6 or 7 dresses in hand the girls into the changing room again.

The girls come out of the dressing room 4 or 5 times before Shawn is dumbstruck by their beauty. "These are perfect," he stammers. Harper smiles shyly, as does Victoria. "Buy these, seriously," he tells them.

"Okay, we have to check prices though," Vic says. They go back in to change, once again, but come out quicker carrying the perfect dresses in their arms. "Harper what's the price of yours?" Vic asks as she fumbles with her dress looking for the tag.

"Umm, ah here it is. Oh my god. It's $75. I didn't even bring that much. What's-"

"Too expensive," Victoria spits. Obviously not a happy camper. They both sigh, looking down at their hands. "Here guys I'll put them back for you guys. Go grab a table at the food court, I'll see you there," Shawn tells them. They both nod, give him the dresses, and walk off.

Shawn walks to the cashier, and takes out his wallet.

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