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I took a small nap after I finished all my school work and it's currently 7 am when my mom calls me for dinner.

I head out while yawning sleepily and find my parents already seated at the small, brown, and square wooden table.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." My dad greets. I just playfully glare at him in return before looking back at the food at the table which just happens to be my favorite dish.

My face immediately lights up at the sight of my favorite food before I technically run into my seat and start serving some delicious lasagna onto my plate excitedly when I notice my mom's clothes.

"Are you going out somewhere?" I begin with a mouthful of food.

"Chew first then talk, sweetie." My dad wipes some sauce from the corner on my mouth with a heartwarming smiling.

I wish I could smile like that the entire time time.

"I'm going out to the mall, honey, and I won't be back until later."

"Okay, have fun!" I take another bite full of the amazing soft lasagna.

"Ok I'll be back in a few." My mom finishes her plate and places it in the dishwasher before grabbing her black leather bag and heading out.


"Time to practice!" My dad excitedly places my plate with his in the dishwasher once we're done eating. He pulls me out of my seat, and drags me as I roll my eyes and smile at his energy.

I am then lead to the backyard and left to wait for my dad to go and grab some daggers, wooden swords, bows, and arrows. Apparently my dad's training me so I can always stand up to myself no matter what the situation I'm in is.

We start off by hand to hand combat. My father teaches me how to preform a few punches and a roundhouse kick, which took me a few attempts until I was finally able to perfect it. I do a little victory dance as my dad watches with amusement gleaming in his eyes.

We then move to using the wooden swords.

Which I personally hate.

We start the combat and pause every time one of us has the advantage to giving the final killing blow. My dad then explains how we can avoid that blow before continuing.

We eventually get to archery as each of us grabs a bow with some matching arrows. We set up two training dummies about three feet away, and start a competition which consists on seeing who can land more arrows on the dummy with accurate aim. My dad ends up winning with seven arrows out of nine and me with six arrows out of nine before we head to last weapon training for today.

I grab my special dagger with roses and vines engraved into its handle. I grin and start flipping one and twirling it in between my fingers.

Impressive, I know.

We start the same competition, we did with archery, using the same dummies. This time I won easily since daggers were my speciality.

"I will never beat you in throwing daggers, will I?" My dad looks at me with admiration, I answer with a 'nope'. We gather back the stuff and chat a bit about how monkeys are the most intelligent animal or at least that's what I thought.

We drop everything in the storage room before I head back to my room.

I sit on my bed with my sketchbook on my lap as I doodle some facial features. I finish up a sketching of a nose when my phone starts ringing. I look at my phone and frown when I see a weird number. I contemplate answering and decide on ignore it.

I continue my sketches on facial features before switching into drawing animals. I end up with a masterpiece of a bird perched on a tree branch with snow falling, giving winter vibes.

I start getting frustrated when the person ringing doesn't stop or give up.

Like get the hint dude, I don't wanna answer!

I angrily grab my phone and jab my finger on the answer button.

"What do you freaking want!" I nearly yell while I place the phone on my ear.

I am welcomed with a deep dark chuckle before the stranger speaks.

"Have a lovely life... Luciana."

I feel my face pale when he says my name but before I can utter a word, he hangs up on my face.

Uhhh rude.

What the hell what that though? Who the hell is that guy, and how does he know my name?

I am brought out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I watch my dad open the door and poke his head in through a small slit.

"Is everything ok sweetie? I heard something fall." He frowns and glances at the ground.

I follow his line of sight to find my phone on the floor.

I didn't even realize I dropped it.

"Ya, I'm all good. I just dropped it on accident." I mask my worry with a fake smile while I rub the back of my neck.

My dad wishes me a goodnight before he leaves the room in time when my phone pings with a message. I unlock my phone to find texts from the unknown number. I open them to find pictures of my mom at the mall.

What the hell is this!?

The next test says 'I'll keep in touch... block this number or tell anyone and you will never see your mother again'

I start breathing heavily as goosebumps run through my entire body and start typing back with shaky hands. I gulp and send back a message saying 'What do you want from me'. I place my phone back down and wait for his response which comes after a few seconds.

I quickly read the short answer saying 'You'll find out soon'.

My mind runs through millions and billions of possibilities on how badly this could end. I finally make my decision in which I follow what he says unless it gets way too extreme I will then and only then will I inform the police.

I take a deep breath, l close my eyes for a minute before closing the lights and placing my sketchbook with my phone on my bedside table. I turn on my small lamp, tuck myself in bed and fall into a sleep only to be greeted by nightmares.

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