Chapter 1: Déjà Vu

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Chapter 1: Déjà Vu

Chloe sat at her desk, trying to calm herself as she stared at the screen of her laptop. She had just hit "send" on the final proposal deck for the biggest marketing campaign of the company—one she had nurtured from start to finish, every detail painstakingly crafted.

She should be happy now. This was going to be her ticket to promotion, the project that would elevate her career to new heights. But instead of joy, anxiety and fear filled her chest.

She already knew what was going to happen.


Her new manager for the past six months, a woman with the smile of an angel but a venomous heart. Rachel was a master at taking others' ideas and projects and presenting them as her own. The most crushing blow had come when Rachel presented Chloe's last campaign project as her own creation, receiving recognitions from the company's executives while Chloe was left in the shadows, barely acknowledged.

But this time, the stakes were even higher. This project wasn't just big—it was monumental for the company. And she knew Rachel was lurking like a vulture.

When her phone lit up, Chloe saw Rachel's name flashing on the screen. She stared at it for a long moment before letting out a sigh and answering.

"Chloe, darling!" Rachel's voice was sweet, but there was an edge to it. "I just saw the final deck for the campaign. Absolutely brilliant, as always. I just made a few tweaks for the presentation tomorrow—minor adjustments to the visuals, nothing major. They're going to love it."

Chloe's fists tightened. Tweaks. Adjustments. This was Rachel's way of ensuring that when the presentation rolled around tomorrow, it would appear to be her work, not Chloe's.

"Thanks, Rachel," Chloe replied, struggling to keep the anger out of her voice. "Just make sure to give proper—"

"Oh, of course, I'll give credit where it's due," Rachel interrupted, her tone too smooth. Chloe knew that was a lie. "Anyway, let's meet early tomorrow, okay? Big day ahead!"

As the call ended, Chloe stared at her phone. She knew what was coming. Rachel would present the project. The executives would shower her with praise. And Chloe? If she was lucky, her name might be mentioned in passing.

The next day, executives and department heads gathered in the glass-walled conference room. Chloe sat at the back, clipboard resting on her lap, silently watching as Rachel commanded the room.

Dressed in an elegantly fitted dress, her hair neatly in a bun, Rachel exuded confidence and charm. With every slide change, the executives' eyes lit up.

"And this," Rachel declared, radiating self-assurance, "is how we plan to launch the most innovative, market-shifting campaign this company has ever seen."

The executives murmured in approval. The CEO, a tall, gray-haired man in his sixties, leaned forward, captivated. "This is brilliant, Rachel. Exactly what we need."

Rachel beamed, quickly casting a glance at Chloe. "Thank you, sir. It was truly a team effort."

Team effort, Chloe thought, her heart aching. Yeah, if by team effort you mean I did all the work while you took all the credit.

As applause erupted for Rachel, Chloe felt her anger boil. She clenched her fists tightly. She was the one who poured her creativity and effort into this, but what did she get? Nothing.

After the meeting ended, Rachel was whisked away by the senior executives for a celebratory drink at a nearby bar.

A few hours later, Chloe found herself alone in a bar. The dim lighting of the lounge created an intimate atmosphere, squeezing her heart with emotions she couldn't express—anger, disappointment, and pain.

She was not the type to give up. She thrived on challenges. But what could she do against someone like Rachel? A master manipulator who could twist everything in her favor.

After three glasses of whiskey, Chloe felt her anger intensify rather than subside.

She slammed her glass down on the counter.


Slowly, she walked outside, the night air chilling her skin as she gripped her car keys. She knew she shouldn't be driving. But the anger and alcohol in her system drowned out the warning voice in her head. She was tired of being careful. Tired of being reasonable.

The city lights blurred by as she sped through the streets. She could barely see the road, her vision clouded by liquor and tears that refused to fall.

Until bright headlights approached. A loud screech of tires, followed by the crash of metal against metal. The last thing she heard before everything went dark.

Chloe woke up in bed, gasping for breath, drenched in sweat. She frantically looked around, trying to grasp where she was. But... she was in her apartment? This wasn't a hospital. And it definitely wasn't her car.

She checked her phone, her hands trembling. The date displayed made her heart stop.

It was the day Rachel was hired.

Chloe jumped out of bed, panic rising in her chest. How was this happening? Was it a nightmare? Or was it real?

As she surveyed her surroundings, she noticed everything in her apartment was the same as it had been six months ago—the desk, the wall calendar, and even the aroma of brewing coffee from the kitchen. Everything was as it had been, from six months ago.

Moments later, her phone vibrated. A message from Mia, her best friend and coworker.

"Ready for the new manager today? I'm so excited to see who they send. Let's meet at the office!"

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