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Hello, my wonderful readers! Welcome to yet another of my Hetalia fanfictions, which is obviously titled "The Sea Against The Storm." 

Let's get some certain things out of the way.

Number one: I do not own any of the Hetalia characters! They belong to the original Hetalia creators, and the only thing I own is the plot. Well, to an extent. Which leads me to my second point.

Number two: This idea sprouted from another fanfiction author's idea. The story is called "Mirror Image (2P!Hetalia)" by @MonkeyGirl18. The story, if you didn't already know, is about how all the countries start turning into their 2P's and they're trying to figure out who did it and how to reverse it before it's too late, and everyone's turned into their 2P. I admit this idea sprouted from something similar to what goes on in that book, so I felt the need to ask permission before publishing this. After she said yes, of course having to give credit, though I would have done it anyway, here it is! 

Go check out the "Mirror Image (2P!Hetalia)" story if you haven't yet! It's really good, though a fair warning is that she's put the story on hold for a while, so if you're the person who can't stand it when someone doesn't update for a long time, I recommend just adding the story to your library and waiting until it's updated again -- and says that she'll complete it or maybe not or whatever.

Number three: I've attached a video to this preface, which features an AMV of FrUK with the song "Perfect" by Hedley. If you for some reason can't see the video, it's called France isn't perfect - FrUK (Thank you for over 400 subscribers! Happy early Valentines Day!). I chose this video because, in it's own context, I can see this relating to what will be happening in this story. In a way with this being Arthur to Francis kind of thing. 

And... I believe that's it. 

Enjoy, my dear readers! :D

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