The first flying lesson

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POV of Parvati Patil

During Herbology, I could barely concentrate. Even during lunch and the subsequent free period, I blocked any conversation topic that wasn't related to the upcoming flying lesson. I even declined James' offer to play chess. That's why I was now sitting on one of the cushioned window sills in our common room, watching him play against Ron. Hermione, who had been sitting with Ariana by the fireplace, now got up and sat next to me. 'I really don't know how to help Ariana. No matter what I say, she just won't calm down!' she whispered to me, sounding slightly desperate. 'You'd need a strong sedative for that...' I agreed, as I looked at Ariana, who was still sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace. She was leaning against the sofa behind her, her legs pulled up and wrapped in her arms. Twenty minutes before class started, we decided to head outside. We were starting to seriously worry about Ariana and were considering whether we should take her to Madam Pomfrey. In the end, however, it was Ariana who decided against visiting the hospital wing. According to her, Madam Pomfrey surely had more important things to do than calm an overly nervous student. Well, ultimately, she had to decide that for herself, so we didn't interfere further, although Hermione and I exchanged one last worried glance. Just as we entered the lawn near the greenhouses, where Madam Hooch was already waiting for us, the Slytherins arrived. She had already laid out a class set of brooms on the ground and decided to start the lesson early after making sure everyone was present. 'So, welcome to your first flying lesson!' she greeted us. 'Please stand next to one of the brooms. Nothing is to be done without my command, understood? I will announce all further steps. Anyone who thinks they can fly on their own initiative will have their flying lesson immediately terminated.' She scrutinized us with a stern look and waited until we were all in position.

We were arranged in two opposite rows. The Gryffindors, except for Bella, on one side, the Slytherins, except for Veatrix, on the other. I stood between Ariana and James, waiting impatiently for further instructions from our teacher. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hermione encouraging Ariana. 'All right. Now extend your wand arm over your broom and say "Up" loudly and clearly.' I did as instructed, and on the first try, my broom flew into my hand. James, of course, succeeded immediately as well. Feeling self-satisfied, I looked around at the other students, and gradually more and more brooms flew into the students' hands. Bella, Ron, Veatrix, and Malfoy also quickly managed to get their brooms to fly into their hands. Only Hermione's broom seemed stubbornly uncooperative. She tried again and again, but the broom just rolled around on the ground. After what felt like an eternity, it finally found its way into her hand. Neville, a Gryffindor boy, also took quite a while before he had his broom in hand, and Ariana kept muttering 'Up' half-heartedly to herself the entire time. I gave her an encouraging look, and she seemed to pull herself together. As soon as she tried properly, she was holding the broom in her hand. I might be mistaken, but it seemed to me that she was actually smiling a little.

Once everyone had a broom in hand, Madam Hooch began giving us further instructions. 'Very good. Now please mount your brooms, and on my command,' she raised a whistle, 'push off gently from the ground. Only gently!' she emphasized. 'I want you to hover just a few centimeters above the ground and then push the front of the broomstick down a bit to land again. Has everyone understood?' she asked, waiting for our general agreement. We nodded and mounted our brooms. I can't describe how excited I was! Any moment now, as soon as she gave the signal, I would be flying for the very first time! She slowly counted down: 'On my command – 3...2...' and she got no further, because a scream escaped Neville. He had pushed off from the ground, probably out of fear of starting too late. It was clear he had never flown before and was now slightly panicking. He seemed to have completely forgotten what Madam Hooch had said about landing and instead kept rising higher and higher into the air. His broom changed direction uncontrollably until it finally crashed against the castle wall and he fell down. That must have been a good 10 meters. I didn't even want to look, couldn't bear to imagine what he had probably broken. Madam Hooch immediately ran to him to check on his injuries. She instructed us to put the brooms back on the ground and not to try flying until she returned from taking Neville to the hospital wing.

As Madam Hooch was out of sight, I noticed Ariana collapsing on the ground next to me, muttering, 'I told you so, it had to happen...'. Hermione was right by her side, taking care of her. Suddenly, I noticed Malfoy had come over to us Gryffindors and picked something up from the ground. Triumphantly, he raised his hand and showed everyone the small glass ball filled with white mist. 'Give it back, Malfoy,' I said calmly, holding out my hand, hoping it would be that easy. 'Are you mad? The slowpoke can get it back himself. I think... I'll hide it,' he said, grabbed his broom, and was immediately in the air. I stared at him incredulously, frantically considering what to do. I wanted to retrieve Neville's Remembrall, but I had never flown before. On a whim, I grabbed my broom and was about to mount it when Hermione rushed over to me. 'Are you crazy? It's not worth it! You'll only hurt yourself. Or even worse: You'll get caught by a teacher. Don't even think about it, Parvati.' While Hermione was holding me back, James seized the opportunity and was now on his broom in the air with Malfoy. Hermione just rolled her eyes when she saw it and muttered, 'I can't believe it, one more reckless than the other...'. 'Give it back, Malfoy,' James now demanded as well. 'Well, come and get it then,' Malfoy sneered contemptuously, rose further into the air, and threw the Remembrall in a high arc towards the castle. Without hesitation, James shot after the Remembrall on his broom. My breath caught as he steered closer and closer to the castle wall. I wanted to shout at him to brake at last, but then, at the very last moment, he swerved away and held the Remembrall up high.

A few seconds later, he landed safely next to me with a big grin on his face. We couldn't stop marveling, and James was celebrated like a hero by the Gryffindors and congratulated for this close call. Only the Slytherins, including Veatrix, were not thrilled, and it was clear from Malfoy's shocked expression that he couldn't believe James had actually caught the Remembrall. Suddenly, however, Malfoy's expression changed from contemptuous disbelief to gloating. A glance towards the castle revealed why. Professor McGonagall was hurrying towards us and instructed James to follow her. With a slightly guilty look, he gave us one last glance before following her into the castle. I hoped she would be lenient and not deduct all the points Hermione had earned for Gryffindor.

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