Chapter 5

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Hours pass, and finally there's a knock on the door.
Leo reluctantly shifts, careful not to wake Hael, as he calls out a soft 'come in.'
The doctor enters, a small smile on his face. "Is she sleeping?" he asks quietly.

Leo nods, his eyes staying on Hael's face. "She is," he replies just as softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
The doctor walks over to the bed, studying Hael for a moment before giving a satisfied nod. "She's looking better," he says, his voice as quiet as Leo's. "I think she's ready to be discharged."

Leo lets out a soft sigh of relief. He'd been concerned that Hael might need to stay longer, but she's doing well enough to leave.
He carefully extricates himself from Hael's sleeping form, gently propping her up against the pillows before standing up and stretching.
The doctor watches him with a small, knowing smile.

"You've taken good care of her," the doctor observes quietly, his eyes flickering to Hael and back.
Leo ducks his head sheepishly, his cheeks a little warm. "I've just been doing what I can," he says. "She's the strong one."

The doctor gives Leo a wry smile. "She's lucky to have someone like you looking out for her," he says quietly.
Leo glances at Hael then back at the doctor, his expression somber. "I just wish I could do more," he sighs.

The doctor gives Leo a sympathetic look. "Sometimes, just being there is enough," he says quietly. "Believe me, I've seen many cases like hers. Having someone who cares enough to be there, to listen and offer support, it makes a world of difference. It's more important than you realize."

Leo nods, his eyes returning to Hael's sleeping form. It hurts to see her like this, but he knows that the doctor is right. Just being there for her, offering his support and understanding, is more important than anything else.
The doctor pats him on the shoulder. "She's lucky to have you," he repeats. "Don't forget that."

Leo nods again, his fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides. He wants to do more, wants to fix everything that's wrong with her life, but he knows that's not realistic. All he can do is what he's doing: being there when she needs him.
The doctor gives him a final, understanding smile before leaving, the door easing shut behind him.

Leo lets out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly with fatigue. The past few days have been emotionally draining, and he's feeling it now.
He glances at Hael, her chest slowly rising and falling in her sleep, and smiles faintly.
At least she looks more peaceful now, though. Less broken and haunted.

Leo moves back to the bed, sitting down on the edge and watching Hael sleep.
She looks... almost happy like this, her face relaxed and her body at ease. Seeing her so vulnerable and open makes his heart ache, but it also gives him a strange sense of peace.

Leo reaches out, his fingers lightly touching the stray strands of hair on Hael's forehead, sweeping them off her brow.
She stirs slightly under his touch, her breathing hitching, but she doesn't wake. Instead, her face relaxes further, and a small, contented hum escapes her.

Seeing her so content, even in her sleep, makes Leo's heart feel a little lighter. It's a good sign, seeing her so at peace like this.
He gently runs his fingers through her hair again, the gesture as much for his own comfort as it is for hers.

He sits there like that for a while, just watching her sleep, his fingers gently untangling her tangled hair.
Even when the nurses come in to check on her vitals, he doesn't move, his gaze fixed on her face as if afraid she'll disappear when he looks away

The nurses check Hael's vitals and chart her progress, their presence not even registering to Leo.
His focus is completely on her, his eyes tracing the lines of her face, the delicate curve of her lips. His heart aches with sympathy and protectiveness.

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