NicoB. Occupation: Youtuber and Commander of the Picky Penguins.
NicoB is a kind hearted and hilarious Commander to us Picky Penguins. But NicoB-Senpai is hiding something from us... His TRUE IDENTITY. And here, fellow Picky Penguins, is the all of the evidence pointing towards NicoB's true identity.
Hiding his true name.
In his One Shot episode, NicoB censored a certain part of the game. Seeing as this game uses the player's real name, it is evident that NicoB was hiding his name. Why is this, you ask? In order to answer this, we need to examine more evidence..
His voices.
NicoB has a variety of voices he does for characters. Some of them he does more than others, such as the Phoenix voice, commonly used for protagonists, and the Maya, or as it is sometimes referred to as, the "Cute" voice, used for cute characters. One in particular stands out though...
The "B" in NicoB's name.
Senior Picky Penguins will know that the "B" in Nico's name refers to "Bizzle" as in Nico Bizzle. Seems very likely, right? Well, you're actually wrong. The B actually stands for, you guessed it, Bagels. This could refer to his beloved penguin, Bagels. Or does it refer to something else?
We all know that the number '7700' used to be a part of NicoB's user name. 7700 is also a multiple of the number five. It also has two zeroes in it, as well as two sevens.
His utter craziness
NicoB is one crazy bastard, that's for sure.
What does all of this mean? Lets see. NicoB has been proven to hide his identity from us. He does character voices for all of his videos, with some more than others. The "B" in his name obviously stands for Bagels. The number in his user name is a multiple of five. And Nico is crazy. I think I've cracked your code, NicoB. You've hidden your true identity long enough. NicoB... Your true identity...
That's right Picky Penguins! NicoB is Nagito Komaeda! It all makes sense now! Nagito wouldn't want us to know that he is in fact, NicoB! It would blow his cover! And NicoB often breaks into the Komaeda voice, even when he's playing something completely unrelated to Komaeda! This is not simply a quirk, but in fact, a voice break! Now, you may be wondering, why did I make the point of pointing out that the number NicoB used in his user name is divisible by five, and that there are two sevens and two zeroes in the number itself. Well, those who know Komaeda as well as I do will know that, on the back of Nagito's jacket, is the number fifty five, or in other words, TWO FIVES! This last point solidifies everything. NicoB is known for his crazy, hilarious commentary. Who else is known for being crazy?
............................................................NAGITO KOMAEDA!
So, in conclusion, it is obvious, that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that NicoB is really the crazy, bagel loving Nagito Komaeda.
Thank you for listening to my theory, fellow picky penguins. I HOPE you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
And, if you read this, you can't hide your true identity anymore Nico! It's undeniable TRUTH!
HumorHello Picky Penguins. I am sad to say this, but our Leader, NicoB, has been lying to us about his true identity. FIND OUT WHO NICOB TRULY IS IN THIS!!!! (Written for NicoB's next livestream.) - Nagito_Loves_His_Bagels aka Jolty Thunders.