Hello? Sex Line Speaking!

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"I'm just saying," Kibum said in between munches of popcorn. "No sex line worker would actually like a client."

"Shut up," Taemin snapped at him, way too absorbed in the bad c-list rom com they had found in the dark depths of netflixs for his own good. "It's a movie. They can take artistic liberties."

Kibum gave him a look. "Okay...? You're really getting into this. I thought you hated rom coms."

"Shut up, I can't hear what their saying." He didn't even take his eyes off the TV to glance at his friend.

"...How much money do you thing he spent trying to woo her with his bad porno moans?"

"Oh my god, Kibum."

"I'm just saying. The fees can't be cheap. I want to know how much money he wasted on her."

"Do I look like I've used a sex line?" Taemin sighed in exasperation.


"Fuck you."

One melodramatic climax later (the girl and guy ended up together predictably and Taemin unpredictively started crying. Kibum wasn't sure why he related to the bad movie on such a deep level and he was too afraid to ask.), Taemin bid his room mate good night and went to bed.

Kibum, however, had no intention of going to bed just yet. He was still wide awake and didn't think he'd be able to fall asleep any time soon. He played down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, letting his thoughts wonder as they may.

He thought of his fashion class briefly, and of the homework he'd been putting off that he'd have to take care of tomorrow. He thought of his grandma and how much he missed her. He thought of his room mate and the weird attachment he had to the movie that was essentially a middle aged women porno they had watched earlier. He thought about the gapping plot holes in it and scoffed slightly at the bad acting. 

But then he thought about sex lines. He had never called one before; Didn't really see the point in them. With high speed internet available almost everywhere he went, he had a world of free porn at his finger tips should he ever need it. 

But he couldn't help but wonder... What was it like to call a sex line? Was it better than porn? Was it more intimate? Was it like someone was there with you as you got off?

Kibum sat up quickly and looked up a sex line impulsively on his phone. With out giving it much thought, he dialed up the first number he came across. 

As his phone rang through to the other line, he tried to rationalize himself before he started to panic.

He was young, he was allowed to be curious about these sorts of things. It was totally normal for him to try out something knew. And it was no skin off his knee if he didn't like it. He had just gotten a bonus at work so it wouldn't harm him too much in the financial department.

Before he could get too wrapped up in his thoughts, he got through to the other line.

"Hello, this is Jjong and I'll be serving you today." 

Kibum froze as a downright heavenly voice spoke to me.

"What can I do for you today?" Jjong asked him.

HIs voice was as soft as velvet and Kibum felt like he was cooing his ear with every word he said.

"O-Oh, Um..." He stuttered. "I don't really want to um... You know. I just called because I was curious."

"Ah," Jjong didn't sound surprised. It ran across Kibum's mind that he probably wasn't the only one who called because they were curious but then Jjong started talking again and all his thoughts abandoned him. "Well, I don't have to dirty talk you. If you'd like, I could just talk to you or something like that. It doesn't really matter to me what we do as long as it makes you comfortable."

Kibum swore Jjong had the same kind of voice as a singer who could captivate audiences with a single song and make them fall in love with him for just the few minutes he sang.

"Would you sing for me?" Kibum asked him. "I'm having a hard time falling asleep."

"Really? You call a sex line when you can't sleep?" Jong sounded mildly amused.

"My friend and i were watching this movie earlier and one of the characters was a sex line worker so I got curious." Kibum tried to defend himself.

"I suppose that makes sense." Kibum could hear shuffling on the other end and Jjong took a drink of water. "Well, are you ready for me to sing you a lullaby?"

"Yeah, I'm bundled up in a mountain of blankets."

"Sound like you were born ready. I bet you look really cute."

Kibum flushed slightly, pleased.

Jung started singing a soft ballad. As he sang about an old love turning stale, Kibum fell asleep with a peaceful smile on his face.

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