Chapter 2

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*Johns POV*

I should be controlling the hunger, not feeding on some random girl on the street, but my urge is on the edge and I can't help it, She's starts screaming but it's only us two, she is frozen on the spot, I walk slowly deciding if I should just go for it and explain too my son later or do what's best and not feed tonight, My fangs come in.

"Dad no! stop!" My son Dylan gets infront of me blocking me from the random girl.

My fangs go away, I turn normal again. "I'm so sorry son, it won't happen again I promise" I keep on telling him that but my hunger gets the best of me.

*Dylans POV*

I stay standing infront of Bay unsure what to tell her, I turn around slowly, her eyes are wide and she's speechless, when I turn back around my father is gone.

"I'm- I'm sorry about my dad, I don't know what got too him" I said

"What the hell was that?!" she says breaking from her shock.

"Nothing he just has to take pills sometimes" I said

"No..but I saw sharp teeth and his eyes were completely black and he just disappeared?! Tell me what that was now!" she raises her voice

She starts walking, I don't know what too tell her, I can't tell her that me and my family are vampires, that will ruin everything, and I actually kind of like Bay.

"Maybe you just need to sleep it off, look I'm sorry that my dad got in your way and freaked you out a bit but I think what you saw was just your imagination" I said hoping that will do it.

"Don't tell what I should do, I know what I saw" she says, I'm guessing we are walking back too where she lives.

*Bays POV*

My body is shaking and I don't know what too think anymore, this is why I don't trust guys anymore because something always turns out wrong, but what if I did just imagine that? I should get some rest for a bit, he's following me, I guess that's his gesture of saying he's sorry.

"I'm guessing your going back to your place?" he says while we walk

"Yeah it's another block down, and I guess your walking me there" I said looking back at him

"Uh..yeah so we can talk" he said standing next to me now.

"I don't want to talk about it, maybe you were right and I just need to sleep it off, I didn't sleep well last night so that's probably why" I tell him

"Um, okay I guess" he said sounding a bit up about it.

Once we got there, we went inside the elevator too the third floor, then we went to number 8.

"Do you want too come in?" I said unlocking the door

"Actually I have to talk to my dad about something but I'll text you later, okay?" he smiled at me, he's so sweet but mysterious.

"Oh okay, bye" I said walking into my apartment, it was past five o clock, so I still had the whole day too myself.

I set my purse down on the kitchen table, I got a bit hungry so I served myself some cereal then I turned the t.v on and sat on the couch.

Once I was comfortable my phone made a beeping sound, "ugh" I groaned, I just got comfortable. I got up and went to go check it, it was a text from Dylan.

*Hey (:* -Dylan

I smiled and texted him back with a simple hi.

*So what are you doing tomorrow?* -dylan

*Me and my friend Torrie are having a girls night*

*How about we make it a double date, I have a new friend that's single and we could all go out to dinner* -Dylan

*Sounds like a good idea, I'll talk to Torrie about it and let you know tonight*

*Okay (;* -Dylan

I set my phone next to me on the couch, one more beep.

*Hey I'll be home earlier than usual today, doctor went home sick and told me that I could go home a bit earlier so I'll be there at about 9 pm* -Torrie

*Yay okay, see you soon!*

Now I set my phone down and continued to watch my show.
*Torries POV*

"Have a safe drive Ms.Deal" the nurse says

"I will Mrs. Amber, same too you" I said smiling while walking to my car.

I drove all the way to the apartment building, glad i got out early. As I was walking in I saw Bays ex boyfriend, Joe. He was sitting on the floor, he looked angry, I quickly hit the elevator button and went up to the apartment.

I unlocked the door and I saw Bay on the couch watching 'Switched at Birth'.

"Hey! you said you wouldn't watch it with out me!"I said running over to the t.v and covering the screen.

"Well that was until I got bored" she says and stands up turning the t.v off.

"Anyways I got exciting news! we are going on a double date tomorrow night!" she jumps.

"What omg, with who?" I said happily.

"I met this guy at Rays Cafe, he's new and his name is Dylan and it ends up he's in the same University as we are! anyways he said he has a new friend and we are going to dinner with them, so we have to start picking out our outfits!" she says clearly excited

"Yes! let's go to my closet!" I said I have so many clothes I can't wear them all.

*Bays POV*

"Here try this one" Torrie said while picking out a royal blue dress that goes mid thigh, I grabbed it and tryed it on, it's a tighter on me then it is on Torrie because I'm thicker. I looked in the mirror, I looked different..I felt more confident about myself.

"Oh my gosh, thats the one!" she says wearing a gold dress I picked out for her.

"Thank you, same with you" I said taking the dress off and putting it in my room.

"We are going too look hot tomorrow night!" Torrie squeals

"I'll be right back im going to text Dylan" I said walking over to the couch where my phone was.

*we are on for tomorrow night!*

*great, see you then, goodnight :* * -Dylan


I told Torrie goodnight and went to bed dreaming about a boy with bright blue eyes and a mysterious past.


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insta- annedxsilver (:

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